Funniest Part Of The Movie (mild spoilers)

The part in the movie that got the biggest laugh from me was how long it took for the movie to get to the opening credits. It takes almost 30 minutes for the opening credits to pop up. I can't recall the last time a movie took that long. Most movies I see either don't have opening credits (like a majority of Christopher Nolan's movies, although there is others), or it takes 10-12 minutes to get to the opening credits. I laughed even more because I completely forgot about the opening credits. I think after a while I thought there wasn't opening credits for once. Or I thought that everything I saw was only the first 10-15 minutes of the movie until I checked the time and saw the movie was almost 30 minutes in. And when the opening credits happened, I was thinking "if it takes that long for opening credits, maybe not have them." I think this is the longest opening to a Mission Impossible movie too. I want to say all the others have 10-15 minute openings. But yeah. How long it took to get to the opening credits I found to be the funniest part of the movie and gave me quite the laugh. There is still humor throughout, but the opening credits was the funniest.


I wasn’t timing it but that sounds about right

They needed a LOT of exposition to establish the plot and the stakes

But that last image before the main title killed me — Kittridge’s annoyed expression as he got tranquilized


Well, the first time I saw the movie, it was a CAM (I did go and see the movie in the movie theater afterwards though), so when it finally got to the opening titles, it was around the 26-27 mark. It could've been more closer to 28-29 minutes though since all the opening logos weren't there and the first 15 seconds was missing (although it was just more underwater footage and the camera traveling to the sub and giving more info on where the sub was (like what country it was near or what ocean/sea it was in)).

The facial expression didn't bother me. Plus I feel I make stupid facial expressions sometimes, so I can't criticize someone else for how they look when making facial expressions.


I meant that I liked Henry Czerny's expressions

First, when he perfectly imitated Tom Cruise's, "well y'know how it goes" expression (when he was playing Ethan Hunt wearing a Kittridge mask)

Then when the real Kittridge got shot with the dart and, just before passing out, expressed "aw great, here we go again" in just a split second


Yeah, overall I think it was a really good flick, but very long though.

If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve -


My funniest moment was during the yellow Fiat car chase, when Grace was driving and just doing donuts because she was standing on the gas pedal. Then Ethan tells her to drive straight, she overcorrects and now they are doing donuts in the other direction. I laughed out loud at that part.


How long was the opening scene of that recent Bond flick? It was like 25 minutes or something, wasn't it? That was ridiculous. Guess TC wanted to top it.
