People aren't offended by his skin bleaching or his insecurity with his ethnic features, hair and nose because they understand that during the time that Michael was growing up ONLY Caucasian features were considered beautiful and African-American features were considered ugly and bad. Did you not know about that? :-|
Did you not know there's a long history (or a short history really, because America is not that old) of ethnic features being marketed as ugly, bad and wrong? Literally marketed through propoganda posters, minstrel shows and stage plays about blackface. This was only a few decades ago.
Did you think that African-American features were actually widely accepted in the media when Michael was growing up? :-| Mariah Carey's label used to pretend she was white to give her a better chance. Michael Jackson was the first black pop star that they even allowed to become famous on MTV or television in general. He was the first black pop star who's image was widely distributed in the media around the world. When you don't have any representation in movies, or drawings in children's books that look like you, or faces on cereal boxes, and when a Mr.Roger's Neigborhood episode makes people flip the F out because Mr.Roger's dipped his feet in the same pool as a black man's feet for a few seconds....yeah you're gonna think that maybe you should have a thin nose and light skin lol.
David Bowie was the only one to call out MTV and ask why they didn't show black performer's music videos. It was considered mind blowing for Michael to sing "it doesn't matter if you're black and white." :-| You'll forgive him for being paranoid about his looks. I don't think you should tell African-Americans what they should be offended by. Saying someone is guilty of abuse is one thing, but your argument was that black people should think he's "mean to them" because he took away his black features. Lol. Both his white fans and black fans understand exactly why he did.