What were your annoyances, likes, cringes, things learned, etc.?

-All of this because of a femcel (correct term?)... ALL OF IT! The whole jist of the movie predicated on a angry PMS Omega level woman with the Darkhold that wants to be with her two imaginary sons. Why the fuck does it have to be those two? Those two kids are one of the worst child actors that I have seen. Even America Chavez was more likeable than those two. That cringy ice cream song they both sang to Wanda made me want to strangle them. Also, if she wanted kids so bad, why not get a man (superhuman or mutant preferred) to fuck her and pump them out? Or does she have a wilted womb like Black Widow?

-This (I think) is the first horror-like MCU movie that we've seen. It wanted to try to go for a sort of jump scare factor but to a much lighter degree but had the elements of horror to it in certain circumstances.

ie: Wanda possessed chasing Strange, Chavez, and Christine Palmer through the tunnels where she stops destroying one of the last doors. The three turn around stupidly (instead of keep on running) to wonder why she didn't destroy the door only for her to appear before them from the other out of nowhere.

-Two moms for America Chavez were the only LGBT reference. She got scared by a bee and teleported them away including herself to other universes and are assumed dead. We'll never know of their true fates.

-No Tom Cruise - Superior Iron Man sadly, a shame.

-Dreamwalking is one of the powers that the Darkhold provides to allow possession of other versions of yourself from the multiverse.

-Illuminati looked powerful on paper but super weak against the Scarlet Witch. It is the first time I think that we've seen super heroes being brutally torn up like that on the big screen. I mean you got Black Bolt's mouth sealed then his skull crushed, Captain America (What If... version) sliced in half by the waistline with her own bloody shield, Captain Marvel crushed by her own statue (which is strange to die from considering her cosmic power level), Professor (X)avier getting his neck snapped (which is also strange considering his telekinesis power level), and Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) with genius-level intellect getting turned into shredded paper. We didn't even get to see Fantastic use any of his powers to any extent. Sorcerer Supreme Baron Mardo on the other hand was busy with our universe Strange.

-Eye of Agamotto on Strange's forehead near the end of the movie and Mid-Credit along with Charlize Theron (Clea). The third eye gives Strange a sort of magically enhanced sight. It’s a revealer of truth that can reenact recent events and see into the souls of others. Most likely awakened by the use of the Darkhold.

-I liked the musical note mystic arts fight with Sinister Strange in the universe corrupted by the Darkhold. They were really throwing the Mozart out there.

-All this talk of the Book of the Vishanti and we never ever get to see it used, ONCE! They really need some magic to protect books containing supremely powerful magic from just getting... BURNED! For christ sakes.


-Clea - Eventual Sorcerer Supreme of the Dark Dimension. A cousin of Dormammu, the one that Strange tortured when he was trapped in the Dark Dimension to let him escape. She's basically a demi-god (half-mortal, half-pure magical being).


It is my assumption the next Strange movie will involve Dormammu invading Earth, Clea helping Strange which would get her imprisoned by Dormammu, puppet Baron Mardo being the arch nemesis of Strange before being joined by Dormammu with the eventual win for Strange on that movie if they go by the comics. It may even be the first time they'll show a Cosmic entity like Eternity (more powerful than the Celestials that created the Eternals) to deal with Dormammu.

Eventually the only safe place for Clea would be Earth where she'll lose her magic then study in the Sanctum Sanctorum to find a way to regain them. Strange will later become Sorcerer Supreme and take her on as a disciple where they'll grow close and later she'll become Clea Strange (fuck Christine Palmer). She is one loyal woman I can tell you that. Basically a keeper of hotness (rare these days).

-The Necronomicon from the Evil Dead is more or less like the Darkhold hence why we see a cameo by Bruce Campbell, the hotdog or meatball stand owner that Strange used mystic arts on to have him keep hitting himself in the face until Post Credit.

-Hope they didn't officially kill Wanda off. I mean she's gone through a lot of trauma and all that but she is still one of the most powerful Marvel characters out there with more emotion than Captain Marvel herself. Sure she fucked up twice but she eventually found herself again in the end and burned all the Darkhold's throughout the multiverse (not sure how she managed that). She didn't need to crush herself in the Darkhold Castle.


People are entirely too critical of child actors. Those two boys acted pretty much like boys that way do.

BTW, Professor X has never had the power of telekinesis. He was the most powerful telepath on Earth, but never showed the slightest hint of telekinetic ability. Marvel Girl/Phoenix was the telekinetic, as well as having telepathic powers; though the latter were very weak when she first started and grew over time.

The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)


Good point, I don't really get the backlash over the ice cream song or the boys. They were kids being kids. There were way bigger problems than that. The middle act of the movie lacked cohesion/felt messy which in turn made the movie feel way longer than it was.


Main annoyances/cringers had to be the two child actors by far. I'm with you on that "ice cream" song. I also couldn't stand the fact that America couldn't keep her damn mouth closed in order to show any sense of panic or fear. Like you also stated, the femcel agenda was very annoying. I didn't notice until my second viewing that America had a LGBTQ pin on her jacket. They did a good enough job making it subtle but at the same time making it a point of her either being of that group or in support. Her sexual preference nor support didn't lend a hand in this movie's plot whatsoever so why add it to begin with?

I also agree with you on them nerfing the Illuminati. One cringe moment that existed outside of the movie itself was when some members of my audience chuckled at the name, possibly thinking it was a reference to the "spooky Illuminati" we often hear as entertainment's secret society, only to be fooled by the actual comic counterpart.

Outside of driving the plot for a future film and the "change of heart Disney cheese", I'm trying to determine whether sparing America was beneficial vs. Strange just commandeering her powers and killing her in the 616 timeline. He had the opportunity here so why not? Her powers are definitely invaluable but highlighting the fact that Strange could yield them and incorporate them into his growing array of sorcery indirectly points out that she's expendable.

Overall I was happy with this movie and glad to see Disney had the balls to make it a bit edgy. Right after Tony, Doctor Strange is my favorite MCU hero due mainly to his seriousness. I'm hoping he doesn't get a backseat in his next film like he did in this one. It's evident that Disney wasn't confident enough to title this as a Scarlet Witch film so they played off of the strength and familiarity of the Dr. Strange name for better box office receipts.


The whole concept didn't make any sense. It is clear Raimi did not closely follow the events of DS1 and Wandavision.

The whole point of her two children, was that they are imaginary children fathered by her love interest, the Android vision. You mean to tell me that in some multiverse, sex with a robot can produce two normal human children? Why couldn't Wanda just have new children with a different father? why couldn't Wanda make a new imaginary universe like she did in Wandavision?



1. The fights are all excellent.

2. Undead Alt-Strange was very cool.

3. Cool to see Prox X, Reed, and always a pleasure to see Haley Atwell.


1. Wong offers up information that could lead to billions dead because 4 of his friends were threatened. They were all willing to die for ONE person. But God forbid they die for billions of people.

2. Strange fucks up Bruce Campbell pretty badly for the crime of wanting to get paid for what Chavez stole from him. Not very Dr Strange-like.

3. Dr Strange being written like Iron Man with constant jokes and quips. Must everyone be Iron Man now? Strange works best as regal and serious. Less jokes, please.

4. Cheap jump-scares. Oh ffs. I like this being dark and scary but why does that have to come with schlock??

5. Strange gives Chavez a pep talk and she can suddenly control her powers. Please fire someone for this.

6. Musical note fight was cartoonish and embarrassing. It revealed that the makers regard comic books in the same genre as Saturday morning cartoons.

7. If Wanda wanted to absorb Chavez's power then why was that giant eye creature trying to smash her to a pulp?

8. Strange demonstrates that he has levitation spells. Why does he ever fall when without the cape?

9. Super burned out on Charlise Theron. Would have preferred a different actress for Clea. Like, say, Megan Hilty.

10. Scarlet Witch realizes that they aren't her kids and that they love their real mom ... just like everyone has been screaming at her all movie. This and Chavez unlocking her power through encouragement are CW levels of writing.


Not sure if it's the makeup or whatnot but doesn't Strange's face look a bit plastic to you? Maybe it's brushing or something.

Just wait until Kamala Khan comes out. You'll see CW galore.


Hadn't noticed but now that ya mention it...

Chavez and Khan remind me of those branding heroes on single page adds for snacks, etc. Maybe some writers trying to create depth with them but essentially just there to sell something. At least Khan has a following and some success with her comic.


"It is the first time I think that we've seen super heroes being brutally torn up like that on the big screen."

I assume you have not watched X-Men: Days of Future Past then...


America Chavez. I don't recall her being in any other Marvel movie or TV show. There are a few I have missed though such as WandaVision so maybe I missed her character's introduction.

All of my cringe moments is just the forced diversity that is typical of Disney and all these other woke corporations.

The movie starts out with Strange and some mexican girl and for some reason, the very first lines of dialog spoken are in spanish and then they switch to English. There was absolutely no story reason for the small bits of non-English dialog since they all speak English and it is an English language movie. There was no reason why this Chavez character had to be mexican at all but her race wouldn't have even registered to me if she had just spoken English from the beginning. A lot of recent (woke) movies and TV shows do this and they are doing it to be more multicultural and it is annoying as fuck. Just stop it and speak English all the time.

The other cringe moments was the token black characters like that black monk woman or the black Captain Marvel. I'm not saying that the cast had to be 100% White but since everything became woke there has been this intentional push to make casts and characters as diverse as possible and all its doing is fomenting racial hatred and furthering the divide in this country. It's also creating an obvious contrast between the movies I grew up with and the woke garbage being pumped out now that is filled with ugly and talentless diversity hires. It's very obvious whenever they do it because all these studios have mandated diversity quotas and not enough new young and talented black actors to fill all these parts so they end up just hiring whoever like Reva in the Kenobi show. I pay close attention to facial expressions, vocal inflections, body language and mannerisms and it seems like most of the black actors they are using these days are really quite monotone and they just lack the range, skill and ability of even average White actors.
