A overtly violent and racist POS designed to further tensions between blacks and whites [SPOILERS]
This was an extremely hard movie to sit through. It opens up white shaming, centering around gentrification in Chicago. Aside from one black victim, every murder was against white people in the most over the top violent fashion imaginable. On the forefront you could chalk it up as the casualties of a horror movie but in reality it was a weak excuse to slaughter, "racial oppressors" in a way where it's not deemed racist.
The lore of Candyman was never truly explored because the director wanted to hammer in the point of, "white man bad" all through out the movie. Guy gets a bee sting that infects the entire right side of his body but he spends the majority of the movie paying it no mind and when he does get it checked out at the hospital he bails for no explained reason. Eventually he becomes comatose to the point where allows his hand to be amputated in replacement for a hook but again never real get an explanation as to whether he was under a trance or drugged.
The film ends by shoehorning a "death by cop" plot point but done in an extremely contrived fashion. The police basically shoot a dying main character in the arms of his girlfriend and attempt to blackmail her in your typical "dirty cop fashion". I found this ridiculous for the fact that there was a chance that the shots fired could've hit the girlfriend and destroyed any defense of killing an, "armed" (albeit lifeless) black man.
Please don't believe what you see in the reviews. Race baiting aside this was a poorly written movie. In today's social climate you give a movie like this anything less than favorable reviews and you're automatically labeled a racist. You lost me when you had a 13 year old boy threatening to pee in his sister's bed.