MovieChat Forums > The Green Knight (2021) Discussion > Holy fuck this movie was broing!

Holy fuck this movie was broing!

I was excited for it, but it's probably one of the most boring pieces of crap I've ever sat through. Painfully slow, uneventful story, and tries way too hard to be artsy farsty. Most of the people at my showing hated it and even saw 2 people walk out. What a piece of shit.


Painfully slow, uneventful story, and tries way too hard to be artsy farsty.

That's pretty much what I got out of the trailer... which is what got me interested in the first place.


I thought it was worth watching in theaters, but it could have done with tighter editing and more concise dialogue. A lot of art movies these days feel unnecessarily padded to extend the runtime. Did we really need a 5 minute tracking shot of the guy riding the horse? I also didn’t care for Alicia Vikander’s character or the cartoon fox. However, the final act made it worth it in a surprise twist. I’d give it 7/10


I thought it was deliberately paced and always interesting, until the end which unfortunately was anticlimactic. I kind of figured out what was going on with the ending because the director used the same tactic earlier in the film when Gawain was tied up in the forest. The difference is when he used that technique in the forest it took about 2 minutes. When he used it at the end of the movie it took about 10 to 15 minutes and really pulled any momentum the film had right out from under it. Still, Lowery is usually very interesting and I thought the visuals, the pacing, and the music score were all strong points. I am glad I saw it, but have not desire to see it again (though I do plan on acquiring the soundtrack).
PS --Did we really need to see the jizz? Haven't seen that much pearl jam since "There's Something About Mary".


Parts were ok but most, as you say, snoozeville.

Kind of a cross between holy grail, princess bride and 2001 A Space Odyssey


Very interesting trio of films. I see nothing of any in this, unless something so simple as "there is a knight in the movie" is enough to make you consider them similar. Then again, you think it was "snoozeville," so...


I liked those movies. The music and emptiness and the people at the table were like 2001. That hanging cage like Princess Bride. When he entered the one castle with alicia it reminded me of Michael Palin


I enjoyed them as well, though 2001 kind of goes off the rails at some point. But it was the era of acid trips, so I give it a pass.

I found the film to be anything but boring. I wish someone would make an adaptation of Tolkien's Ring trilogy in a style similar to that of The Green Knight. So much time and money was wasted on CGI spectacle, when the books are so much deeper and character-driven.


My mom is an English prof. She begged me to go to Lord of the Rings, so we did. part way through she said "let's leave".


I was profoundly disappointed by those films, especially the 2nd and 3rd ones. Peter Jackson took a work of fiction that was at once entertaining, sublime, and profoundly deep, with a musicality and rhythm like no other prose I know, and turned it into The Fast, Furious Transformers: Medieval Edition.


C'mon man, the LOTR trilogy is incredible. Fellowship of the Ring, especially, is amazing and gave me one of the most satisfying theatrical experiences of my life.

I'll agree that Two Towers and ROTK are not as good, and don't quite live up to the promise of Fellowship, but they're still good movies.


I enjoyed aspects of the Fellowship of the Ring, but it was so far from the source material in tone and vision that it hardly felt like Tolkien. It was more like Harry Potter, with the names changed. The 2nd and 3rd films were atrocious, just mega-budget action movies.


It's weird to me that you make that comparison, because I have tried three times to watch the Harry Potter movies and just can't get through them. Love LOTR though. I've owned LOTR on VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray and now I'm looking at the 4K release.

But yeah, while I like the whole trilogy, Fellowship is easily the best entry.


to get together with ones friends and drink heavily.
Dude, we're totally broing it up this weekend.


i'm concerned by this post.

either your acct has been hi-jacked or something is terribly terribly wrong.


bruh, he's just broing with the bros. chillax bro


i will say, green knight is not a movie for the bros.

the bros are not gonna dig it.


or you copied/pasted it.

in which case we're all cool


No caps. I see it, too.



i agree with u on all points

might have liked it had i gone to film school
but i am just a dude who watches tons of movies
i hated this, i found it pointless
i read about this filmmakers points, and i still hate it


I dont hate it as much as you. It was a fantastic adventure, it looked great, the acting was superb but it just did not flow very well. I was exhausted completing this watch. I wasn't sure what the message was. Something about siding with your better angels? Did he die or didnt he?


I had no problem with the pace. The movie is beautiful and I loved the end.

The whole start of the plot was tortuously foolish to me though. Here an obviously supernatural being tells you that he will inflict the same blow upon you a year hence and you go and chop his head off? WTF? Had me rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

Then, our hero's first adventure? Getting outwitted by thieves and looted of all his belongings. I swear, other than the castle scene later, every chapter in his adventure could be removed from the film with zero impact on the story. All you need is the starting challenge, his time at the castle, and the end. The rest is pretty fluff.

Even though it is a meandering movie, I enjoyed it overall. I liked the message in the end and how it was portended by the earlier discussion of the colors red and green. The finale had an emotional impact on me. Too bad we had to have a close-up of sperm and the obligatory Oscar entry ticket of a gay lord.

Could have been much better. I don't demand combat but if you are going to have three or four chapters of throw away content then why not make the audience you lured in happy? Movie is called The Green Knight. Who did you think was going to watch it? Fans of the original poem and people who think sword-play when they hear the word "knight."


It was a bit bizarre that there wasn’t any combat. It’d be like if Nicolas Winding Refn made Drive but didn’t include a car chase scene. I get it’s an art house film, but Lowery could have had the film be slow and weird but also a lot more compelling.

I just have no desire to ever sit through it again and that’s a real shame considering what it could have been. Instead I just find it an ambitious misfire.


i think all the adventures kinda link right into our hero's story, honestly.

he's depicted as a callow guy with no accomplishments to his name.

the things he experiences all cumulatively lead to him concluding he needed to live his life with honor and stand by his word.

in the looting scene, he kinda callously disregards the thief when he helps him, and pays a penalty.

he asks the headless woman 'what's in this for me' and she says 'how can you ask me that' because she thinks as a man & a knight he's to be chivalrous and selfless.

in the sex scene, he's learned enough restraint to at least not have sex, but instead just comes on his magical cum-rag.

i think it all adds up to the lesson he learns at the end: to not run away, but to stand by his word and face the consequences.

quite enjoyed it myself.


This movie definitely isn't for squares like you.


No, i just have good taste unlike pretentious hipsters who pretend to like anything that isn't "mainstream".


My roommate and I watched this because it was supposed to be "So Broing". There wasn't a single "Dude" said the whole time! I give it 1 mimosa out of 5 at a full brunch.

In seriousness, definitely a love it/hate it type film. While some said the pacing was monotonous, I thought it invoked the solitude of the lone warrior's quest. In our non-stop action eye fest world where ammunition never runs out and there are endless bad guys that need killing, yes, it was "slow" by comparison. But I never felt promised that type of thing. The visuals were sweeping and stark and married well with the tale. My roommate and I talked about the moral of the story and why the director made those decisions. I think if a movie gets a reaction from you and discussion ensues, it did something right. I doubt there is similar reaction or discussion amongst the people leaving Fast and Furious #Whatever. i agree, it isn't for everybody.


I love how they make these types of movies and anyone hating on them is branded a pleb. Yet when you look at the film's trailer they go out of their way to make it look as mainstream and action packed as possible. They try to make it look like a regular blockbuster.

Hey if you're gonna go with artistic stuff that's fine with me but at least be honest about it. Stop trying to deceive people into thinking it's something it isn't.

Kinda sad that you're all snobby yet you feel the need to hide what it is in order to get people to watch it. These kind of films are indulgences for the director and actors and their artistic egos.


i didn't see the trailer prior to seeing the film, and in fact didn't see it until checking it out after reading your post.

i think the trailer actually captures the style and tone of the film perfectly.

i certainly wouldn't look at that and expect a mainstream action film.

it looks very much like what it is: a david lowery directed a24 film.


>Hey if you're gonna go with artistic stuff that's fine with me but at least be honest about it. Stop trying to deceive people into thinking it's something it isn't.

Funny you say that as I was listening to Matt Damon on the Marc Maron podcast saying this (Marc thought Stillwater would be an action thriller ala Taken)
