The Great Replacement will not leave anything created by the Historic American Nation untouched. That includes Captain America, the quintessential Historic American. Two years after killing off the most important Marvel Cinematic Universe characters, the very white Captain America and Iron Man, in Avengers: Endgame, Disney plans a fourth theatrical release: Captain America 4. But now it will star black actor Anthony Mackie, also the lead in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier Disney + miniseries, where he was sort of a moral compass showing whites True North; i.e., how to internalize anti-white propaganda, and assist in their own dispossession.
Both projects are the creations of Malcom Spellman, who is half-black, half-Jewish and wholly anti-white:
Profits regardless, MCU-Disney in particular and Hollywood in general will continue telling whites they are evil, that their ancestors were evil, and that everything their ancestors built and bequeathed to their posterity is also evil.
And they’ll keep sending that message using the very technology, and enjoying the very freedom to do so, that whites like the original Captain America gave them.
I appreciate moviechat for providing a relatively safer space for conservative thoughts and opinions...but wow...we got some really weird people saying some really weird stuff coming out of the woodwork.
There is something valid about black washing happening a lot, and never in reverse. They (Disney) may feel it's altruism, but it can still be racist too.
[–] Burk48917 (6039) 9 days ago
How about you and your strawman argument eat a dick instead?
I really wish you knew that what you typed is not an answer to a question, doesn't make any sense, I don't have a strawman argument in your dick eating contest and I didn't know that civility was the abnormality you so intensely crave. 🤣
I don't agree with your generalization, but your reply is at least a lot less weird than what OP wrote. You may be summarizing something similar but dude...
Look at this:
The Great Replacement will not leave anything created by the Historic American Nation untouched. That includes Captain America, the quintessential Historic American.
Someone wrote this out, and was like yeah. Good thesis statement.
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A lot of redhead comic book characters have been replaced by blacks in tv and movies. Redheads are probably overrepresented in the comics but I've also loved redhead babes.
After the success of Black Panther, I think Marvel made an effort to cast more people of color in the movies and hire racial equity consultants. I found it odd watching Spiderman Homecoming and seeing a white Peter Parker surrounded by people of color. It was still an enjoyable film but the diversity seemed forced BUT they wanted to show the demographic makeup of Queens, NY. Instead of altruism, I suspect Disney sees higher profits with diversity.
because they know the mods here do not do anything until something goes out of hand for over a few years. So we get right-wing trolls ... playing both sides of the trolling game.
I think so BUT they are calling it anti-racist. The only problem is that being anti-racist means fighting white supremacy and that means the supposed white culture and whiteness. The study linked below noted that Hollywood loses $10B a year due to lack of diversity so that explains the push to diversify.
I certainly support new characters of color since actors of all races need to get paid. I do think Marvel are neglecting the childless old white dudes with disposable income who will buy Captain America plastic merch. I always thought Captain America gave up his shield so the Cap films could make it in China. I don't think China wants to see the Cap America stars and stripes shield in their theaters. Another article below shows all the redheads in comic books who have been replaced by actors of color.
Having a "new" Capt. America is retarded. Having it be Sam Wilson is doubly retarded.
What they should have done, if they HAD to retire Steve Rogers, was to give the shield to BUCKY and have the next "capt. america movie" be titled, Falcon and The Winter Soldier.
I think it makes quite a lot of sense having a new Captain America. It even makes sense it being Sam. What doesn't make sense is making him a preaching mouthpiece for lefto-fascist propaganda, and treating Bucky's character with contempt because you only care about artificially showing Blacktain America onto people as the new face of the MCU.
You WILL like Blacktain America and WILL accept him as the new leader of the Avenger's OK??
Or how about try to make a good character, wait to see if it successful and the character is popular, and then make him leader of the Avengers? Crazy I know.
There are many, many reasons your stupidity is showing, but the most obvious is that this is NOT an "agenda" being pushed by "Hollywood," or the MCU for that matter. For the most part, these storylines directly reflect what's already happened in the comics.
Like I said, that's just where it *starts.* It makes my head hurt thinking about your level of confused rage.
But don't let facts and logic keep you from continuing to tilt your head back and bray idiocies. Pray, continue. . .at least this way you're in your basement, instead of on the streets.
That these stupid ideas were field tested in the comics, where they have all failed, before they were used in the cinematic marvel-verse, changes nothing.
That these stupid ideas were field tested in the comics, where they have all failed, before they were used in the cinematic marvel-verse, changes nothing.
A) They've hardly "all failed."
B) It changes the narrative that "Hollywood" is driving these ideas, from whole cloth. This is not a difficult concept; not sure why you're having trouble w/it.
1. You got an example of a woke comic that succeeded? I would be happy to look at it, and discuss it.
2. So instead of "Hollywood driving these ideas" "from whole cloth", are building on the work of "Comic Book lefties" to "drive these ideas"? I guess you could claim that changes something... not sure how relevant it is.
3. This thread is about how racist those ideas are. Specifically anti-white. It does not change that.
"1. You got an example of a woke comic that succeeded? I would be happy to look at it, and discuss it."
You'd have to define "woke" for me. Then I'd be happy to give you a bunch of examples. I'm usually furious at changes to established characters, or attempts to tick boxes just for the sake, but it's become trendy amongst neckbeards to call ANY attempt at diversity "woke."
"2. So instead of "Hollywood driving these ideas" "from whole cloth", are building on the work of "Comic Book lefties" to "drive these ideas"? I guess you could claim that changes something... not sure how relevant it is."
Not sure what your confusion is. It "changes" (read: refutes) the claim that this series in particular, and "Hollywood" in general, is creating agenda-driven stories. TWS (which is what we're discussing) is NOT. . .this is an adaptation of existing storylines.
"3. This thread is about how racist those ideas are. Specifically anti-white. It does not change that."
Again, inclusivity is not "racist." Period. I'm annoyed when my legacy characters get changed, but have no problem with new characters taking up the mantle, if the art & stories are worthy. It's that simple. This thread is (yet another) example of absurd people spouting absurd and patently false drivel.
1. I don't recall any "neckbeards" complaining about Sarah Conner in Terminator Two. I don't recall any "neckbeards" complaints about Wesley Snipes in Blade. Same for the non-white males characters in any number of IPs, from Babylon 5, to Unforgiven, ect. ect. There is a big difference between non-white and anti-white. That you pretend to not get this, is just you avoiding the point.
2. No, the agenda is still there. It is important to remember that this type of shit did not start yesterday, but that does not mean it is not still shit.
3. Have you seen any anti-white-ness in any of it? Was there ANY time, that you heard a "neckbeard" complain and you had to give them the point?
The white man created and run Hollywood. Today they are being alittle more sensitive and providing some positions to people who could never achieve such status without white people.
You have to take a look at each nationality and what their civilization and country has provided to the world.
Some civilizations do not have the mentality to build a functioning country.
So they go to those who do and become hosted by such civilizations.
And many are just mad and ungrateful at their hosts...
Why can't my people attain such prosperity as the white person?
Its very frustrating
The fact that Sam Wilson became Captain America makes you start spouting an "Anti-white" campaign, shows that you don't know Marvel Comics history. Sam Wilson was Captain America for quite a while in the comics, taking over for Steve Rogers, years before all this "anti-white" sentiment happened. Go check it out if you don't believe me.
Lol, this happened all of 7 years ago in the comics and spent a grand total of 2 years as Captain America('quite a while' lmfao). You have demonstrated that the wokeness in the comics precedes the film division by a few years. How are Marvel comic sales doing these days? lol.