No whites allowed

Found this story interesting.

University of California Santa Barbara's Black Students Union holds free Black Panther: Wakanda Forever screening -but asks white students NOT to attend!

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Imagine that done for a movie with white students only, lol


Of course the University denies any discrimination to whites...whilst having a black student union?
The fact they're giving away free tickets for this movie, speaks volumes about the actual genuine interest in the movie (and it's questionable box-office takings?)
The recent 'Woman King' movie was found to have had black celebrities buying up cinema screenings (to bolster it's box-office)
It's like the powers that be, aren't even trying to hide their agendas anymore (all the more worrying that no-one seems to be calling out such practices?)


they are doing those evil white peoples a favour!!


And everyone wants racism and other stuff to end. How does this end stuff? To me, this just makes it worse/keeps things going.


So they're fighting racism with racism. Got it.
