Its possible Marvel/Disney could just not continue with the series and have BP characters occasionally appear in Avengers films as in InfinityWar. But I doubt that would happen as BP made over $1b and BP2 was all ready to go ahead (which will now require a difficult rewrite/potential recasting)
I doubt they would recast the role (like happened with Terence Howard) as that would be disrespectful..especially for the actors acting as if theres been no change. And the audience probably wouldn't buy it
Maybe a new character as 'Black Panther'/King of Wakanada will have to be chosen? (in which case T'Challa would be killed off)..I wonder if they could somehow resurrect Michael B Jordan and turn him into the hero/new BP? (similar to Arnold becoming the hero in T2) or even a BP from another universe (maybe tie in with Dr Strange 2)
Or theres always CGI? Like Spiderman/Deadpool its not like the actor is visible in the BP suit or even necessary to be in most of those scenes.. so if they were to rewrite scenes hed have had/give them to others maybe it'd be achievable with a few scenes of CG Bozeman/footage from outtakes etc (like Carrie Fisher in Episode IX) but then what about future BP movies/Avengers movies? cant really keep doing that indefinitely