Only reason it got good reviews was because it's Liberal Pro-Immigration Propaganda
Rian Johnson tricked all of us into going to see a film that after 40 minutes became pro-immigration propaganda.
shareRian Johnson tricked all of us into going to see a film that after 40 minutes became pro-immigration propaganda.
shareIt is not a good film. You know it's bad when Don Johnson gives the best performance.
shareI'm a conservative and I really enjoyed it. I don't take their liberal agenda at all seriously.
shareI always thought the film suggested Marta manipulated Harlan into a suicide to ensure she was the sole beneficiary of the will. There is a flash back scene where Marta and Harlan are in Harlan's study. He is listing off his family members one by one and explaining he has cut them off and taken them out of his will because she told him to. I’m not so sure she was presented as the virtuous immigrant.
Rian Johnson is a talented filmmaker and Knives Out is a wonderfully crafted film, but sadly he lets his disgusting racist politics ruin what could have been a modern classic.
He did the same with The Last Jedi where all of the villains were white males, and all the heroes any combination other than white and male. He’s Hollywood’s woke wunderkind, churning out popular fare stuffed with a level of patronising social justice messaging that takes you way beyond eye-rolls and all the way to genuine nausea.
This film is designed to make us root for Mexican anchor baby Marta, who is portrayed as morally perfect and radiantly beautiful, as well as her purely wholesome illegal immigrant mother. The wealthy white family are portrayed as unworthy moral filth, and Johnson revels in the final image of Marta standing above them, having drained them of all their wealth.
The one exception is of course the deceased Harlan Thromby, but like a good white male he gives all of his wealth to illegal immigrants - that’s what you must do, you see, to appease Johnson and his scowling mob of social justice warriors.
Notice how Don Johnson’s pro-Trump character condescendingly hands his empty plate to the staff mid-rant without even looking at them, and of course is having an affair, the swine.
The two teenagers in the family are ‘alt right troll’ Jacob and ‘SJW’ Meg, but just when you think Johnson might be capable of an even handed portrayal, he has Meg apologise for her earlier scummy behaviour, and it looks like Marta will continue to fund her ‘college’ education (where all good kids go to become hate filled poor me SJWs). Jacob’s redemption arc is conspicuously absent.
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It’s a great sadness that Rian Johnson’s talent is outweighed by his fascistic and painfully stupid politics because I’d love to recommend his films, but for as long as he spews racial hatred and advocates destroying the very civilisation that afforded him the enormous privileges that he now enjoys, I can’t, and will avoid paying for any content he produces. Go woke, go broke.
(For more discussion on this view check out
Aw, how sad for you.
sharePropaganda aside, it's still a very fun film.
shareHaving seen Knives Out, I would say it's both a great movie and blatant pro-immigration propaganda. Hollywood is dominated by leftists while at the same time it has a monopoly on filmmaking talent so it's often able to make things that are both clear propaganda and that also do a good job of entertaining audiences.
shareOR it’s because normal people, ACTUAL filmgoers, IRL people outside of your internet hate-bubble, who you can’t interact with, actually enjoy quality film for what it is. You see, and this may come as a shock to you, but normal people are actually allowed to enjoy the things that they enjoy. They are not bound to boycott and shun every single modern production, product, or producer of media that you loser, snowflake cultists reject because of your ever-expanding delusional fear of “wokeism”. 99% of the general public are not hateful, ignorant losers like you.
I get it. The movie made fun of the socially-retarded little Nazi kid, and that’s why you hate it. Everybody else laughed at that scene. Maybe you should try to be someone who doesn’t only relate to the socially-retarded Nazi kid who everyone laughed at.
It was okay. It was well filmed and some of the characters were good. Nothing I'd watch multiple times, but it has good qualities.