MovieChat Forums > Knives Out (2019) Discussion > Daniel Craig accent...

Daniel Craig accent...

Was this accent necessary, could this character not be British so that Daniel Craig doesn’t sound like he’s having a stroke?


I liked it , i noticed it slip once or twice back to british but only slightly . Necessary no. But daniel ccraig being britsh, yawn. Im sure the cunt dnt wanna be bondish nore more. Bondish?bondage?Same difference.


It was very distracting. And frankly the character didn't need to be from an particular place, and could have easily been British or any other nationality and it wouldn't have impacted the movie. I don't know why they thought he should be something he clearly isn't as the accent slippe which made it even more annoying.


Agreed, took some effort ignoring his accent and focusing on the story. Other than that it was a good movie.


I kinda liked it because it was hilarious and intentional. This movie sets up this smokes-in-the-dark, wax philosophical detective stereotype just to poke fun at it, and it is extremely funny imo. Especially when he is incessantly waxing philosophical - the accent adds to that.


Agreed. It was over the top but this wasn't a serious film.


Yes I agree. It was still an oddity though but the movie was entertaining enough to even accommodate this accent


In the commentary track Rian says the character was written to have a Southern accent well before it was known who would be cast in the role. So, if you don't like the Southern accent blame Rian, not Daniel. That being said, I thought Mr. Craig did a fantastic job, so to each their own.


I understand, but would you not cast someone else then instead of forcing James Bond to do a southern accent similar to a rooster he heard as a kid?

Adjusting the script to accommodate the detective as British and not from the south would have been even easier. Rian has shown us how he can change scripts and storylines before. Look how quickly Luke threw away that Lightsaber after all. Now that was quick thinking. Story changed.


I believe Dick Van Dyke should have played this role as a crime solving doctor. However it may be fair to say that Daniel Craig's Southern drawl would at least be on a par with Dick Van Dyke's famous British accent had Dick Van Dyke been cast to play the role as a crime solving doctor with a British accent.


I liked the weird Texas accent. Very comedic


At first I found it distracting, but then it grew on me.


If he had spoke with a British accent, viewers probably would have been comparing his performance to his James Bond. It was an excellent way of dissociating the two.

A straight up American accent might have been fine, but there's something about a Southern accent that sounds charming... which is a great advantage for a PI who is trying to relax a suspect to the point where they lets their guard down and reveal themselves.

See Prospect with Pedro Pascal as another good example of the rogue with a charming Southern accent that unbalances potential enemies...


Kevin Spacey - House of Cards. Sounded exactly the same.


That is exactly what I said to my boyfriend: "Why does he talk like Frank Underwood?"
