MovieChat Forums > Knives Out (2019) Discussion > is Marta the real Villain?

is Marta the real Villain?

watch it again but from the point of view that Marta is the mastermind behind everything, it makes much more sense. especially the ending...


But she's the daughter of an "undocumented" alien...they're all Saints.


god damn anchor babies.


I mean most of these totally assimilate into society and get nursing degrees, right?


As opposed to what? Be lazy shitbags that leech off the system? Or...what?
First generation immigrants are too busy working their asses off at shit jobs to go to nursing school, but yeah...its generally their kids that are able to make lives for themselves here by getting an education, a better job. Nursing? Absolutely...why not?

This movie didn't seem to be the norm for you, huh? Curious as to what you think the norm is. I frigging double dog dare you to tell me with a straight face how this movie got it so wrong, to explain what the children of immigrants are doing that makes this the kind of propaganda you feel needs pointing out.

Or just fuck you, you ignorant racist douchebag, that works too.


Such anger, hate and rage. I can hear your teeth grinding.

FYI...i don't believe in today's. welfare state so if able bodied people had to actually support themselves then there wouldn't be a need for illegals doing the jobs "Americans won't do".


It must be nice to have all the answers, and such simplistic ones at that. "See, alls ya gotta do is get able-bodied people off welfare and boom! No more jobs for illegals!" Are you f'ing kidding me?

I'm neither hateful nor full of rage, but I'm 100% flabbergasted that someone can post something so ignorant and racist with such arrogant overtones. "Look how clever I am, I saw RIGHT through the propaganda that a second generation immigrant would be doing anything other than sucking off the government titty for their sustenance! Can't fool me!"

Look at how smart you are, seeing right through the ruse! Its all about you...with your little bag of talking points you've never given a whole lot of thought to. You've no real idea what you're talking about, which is fine, but when you start spreading your racist BS around, you deserve to be called out on it. Angrily. Because that kind of ignorance is infectious. Its simple. And simplification is in our nature...nobody needs your help with it.
So fuck you.


I'm a "racist", huh?


No...casually implying that an entire sect of people are do-nothings who suck off the government tit is spectacularly wholesome,'re such a bleeding heart OF COURSE you're racist lol


I see.

What I "implied" was that Hollywood, and the media in general, almost always portray illegals as saints that assimilate perfectly into society and are only a positive. I know it makes you feel better about yourself to rage with righteous indignation...I get it...but you just come off like a lunatic.


My initial post was a sardonic jab at Hollywood's predictable stereotypes, tropes and agendas. Clearly, anyone that dares mock their ideology makes you unhinged.


Yeah, you seem pretty angry to me. Just take a breath, friend.


Its probably because I WAS angry.

I managed a string of fast food joint for nearly ten years...and the place would never have stayed in business if it had to rely on white people for help...because there just weren't any. We'd search our giant stack of resumes trying to find one that was written in legible English, but aside from finding the occasional drive-thru guy, we had no choice but to rely on the Hispanics. And hand to God, it was always, ALWAYS the white kids that did their best to get by with doing as little as possible...that required constant babysitting.

The hispanics busted their butts, often worked more than one job, and many of them were older, first-generation immigrants who spoke limited English. It was often their kids that came in to help translate when something needed to be addressed, or who'd come to pick them up/drop them off for work every day.
So its purely anecdotal, but after working hand-in-hand with Hispanics for years, I've got a great admiration for their work ethic, their family values, their generosity...they're very warm, inviting people. And their kids seemed to appreciate their parents' employment, were always very polite, well kept...and many were obviously middle class professionals. Shoot, my housecleaner's daughter would drop her off in a Beamer when I was a kid...

To suggest that Hispanics are lazy welfare leeches just by virtue of them being Hispanic? From my perspective, that's not just absurdly off the mark, its absolute racist bullshit directed at an easy target and very much worthy of scorn.


The only person talking about the race of people has been you.

Where did I say that Hispanics are "lazy welfare leeches" just by the "VIRTUE OF THEM BEING HISPANIC"?

You're clearly the one hung up on race. I guess from your "anecdotal" experience we're supposed to take away that "white kids" are not productive? Hey you left out black kids...what's your view on that "entire set of people"? Were they head and shoulders above the "white kids" as well?

Do "white kids" need "babysitting" just by the "virtue of them being white"?


Oh who are you kidding here. I clearly stated it was anecdotal, and stated it as a means to counterpoint your generalization, which if I had to guess, is based on nothing more than rhetoric.

In your world, the notion of a 2nd generation Hispanic assimilating into our culture and becoming a nurse is something so unlikely that its worthy of being scoffed at. In my experience, its the norm.


I can completely understand that, but you know the people on here can be a bit crazy (or any boards, for that matter). Take a breath, step back, and remember that the people you see posting here don't make up the majority of the world. Also, you can't hear tone, or see someone's facial expressions, or their eyes when you are reading text they wrote on the web. Some people here may not be trying to sound like jerks, but it may come across that way to you, simply because of your background and experience. It's been my experience that hard-working people come from all backgrounds of life. I've met hispanics that were hard-working and honest, and I've met plenty that were lazy, rude, and cut corners. But you know what? That statement is true of literally all "groups" of people I have ever met. I've worked a lot of different jobs, from fast food, to retail, to car dealerships, waitressing, and office jobs and several different type of offices, and I currently work in a higher end financial corporation on the administration team. I've worked with people from virtually every walk of life, and my takeaway has been that you have to judge people on a case-by-case basis. We are all different.
I do think people need to come to this country legally, though. My ancestors did (I come from a hispanic background on my Dad's side, and European on my Mom's). The government offers work visas specifically to take care of things like farming, which is hard work, with not enough pay for most people. That is a legal way to come to the country to better your life, and the lives of your family (speaking as a generalization). Legal immigration and work visas are what this country needs to thrive, but people that cut the line aren't helping matters. Just my $.02.


Well said. And admittedly, my work experience has been with younger white people who've yet to develop any kind of work ethic...they don't really care, but they don't really HAVE to care either. Put them alongside people who've sacrificed everything to come here and make a living for their families...its really comparing apples to oranges.

If I had to guess...I would imagine it'd be dang near impossible for these people to raise their children without instilling in them the need to take advantage of the opportunity their sacrifices afforded them.
In fact, I would think that if you filled a room with half 2nd generation immigrants and half white kids, its much more likely that the Hispanic kids would be cognizant of the advantages afforded to them of having been born into this country, much more perceptive of the opportunity, the advantage they've been given by being born here and that much less likely to squander it.

But you're right...and there's definitely a lot of variables...being born in East LA or something being one of them =P


There are still some jobs Americans won't do even without welfare. We know this from advanced nations where the welfare state is more limited. That doesn't mean you need illegals. You can outsource the farming to other countries or you can bring in guest workers who leave after.

Go look at farm workers, you would never get enough Americans who could hack it to do it. The pay would need to rise to a level to attract people and at that level it would no longer be viable. In CA they have high pay for people to work in garlic farms and vineyards. Those command high prices and thus can pay more. But even they are just fighting over the same pool of 1st generation hispanics or illegals despite paying $25 an hour.

In some red states they passed laws which scared illegals and led to a shortage of workers. For service jobs, Americans filled the void. For farm jobs the produce rotted in the fields. They got prison workers but they couldn't hack it. Harvest windows can be small so you need efficient workers to work overtime doing back breaking work in hot weather. Lower efficiency and you make a loss given low margins.


I've twice tried to figure out the economic impact that illegal immigration has had on the US, but apparently there's so many variables that definitive data is pretty hard to come by. But yeah I've heard that produce would skyrocket in price were it not for illegals.

I've also heard that unless you live in a major city in Mexico/South America, that's often the only kind of work available to residents of one of the many small villages freckling the landscape there. So...pick strawberries in Mexico for $.15 an hour, or come to the US and do it for $9? Not much of a choice. But having been born into that kind of existence, what they come here with is a perspective that, no matter how hard you might want it to be, could never be instilled in a natural born citizen of this country. Which generally means an unrivaled work ethic and a propensity to stay out of trouble and under the radar, the latter of which is often counter-pointed by the right by citing "crossing the border illegally" as proof of their criminality...which doesn't exactly seem honest to me, but....technically correct, I suppose.

Anyway...the two studies I was able to find concluded that despite the lack of any cogent figures, there's actually a very good argument to be made that illegals contribute a net positive to our economy...a finding that I'd imagine would make some people's heads explode.
Regardless, I can't help but think of the issue as a bit of a red herring anyway, considering the billions we're giving away in corporate welfare, farm subsidies, etc.

It seems to me that Trump has given people an easy target for their woes...and has them looking elsewhere to lay blame while we increasingly slide into a plutocracy. We have some very real problems when it comes to corporate/financial influence on our governance, corruption...illegal immigration needs to be addressed, but its not all that...and Hispanics aren't deserving of our scorn IMO.


Holy cow man. You need to watch On Golden Pond and relax a little


lol of course!


I might need to give it a second watch because it felt to me like she, on the contrary, never really understood in what she was really involded. It seemed to me like if she didn't have anything planned or figured and was constantly losing control over the situation. There might be something I missed.


She thought she had accidentally killed him and then was a witness to his suicide. Then she spent the rest of the movie covering up everything. Even though Harlon had left his entire estate to her, I thought it was a dick move to completely cut them out. We then see her on the balcony with the coffee mug that says; my house, my rules.

By the end of the movie I didn't like her anymore.


1) she thought she killed him and 2) he went to a huge effort to avoid her getting caught for that. Of course she was going to spend the rest of the movie covering that up.

I agree that it was a complete dick move to completely cut them out but that was really Harlon's decision and not her's. I think,if anything, she would help Meg out because Meg did not really have anything to do with her mother double dipping.

As far as the coffee mug goes, that was Harlon's mug. I believe that she was using that not just because of what is says specifically but also because it is a connection to the man who was her friend.


''I agree that it was a complete dick move to completely cut them out but that was really Harlon's decision and not her's.''

Well... I see why you would make this statement, since generally I would perfectly agree with that. However, in this specific situation, they were a bunch of selfish assholes, so I don't really feel bad for them. But yeah, objectively speaking, it was kind of a dick move.


''Then she spent the rest of the movie covering up everything.''

Yeah, I really had an issue with that. But to me she kinda redeemed herself by just spitting out all the truth after seing that everything started to really take a chaotic turn (it this case, the death of a person that could had been avoided). You have to consider one detail: Harlan told her to do exactly that and even, practically, begged her.


None of those people deserved any of her help, with the exception of possibly the granddaughter..and even then, eh.


I agree with you. I was glad that he cut them all out of his will, because they're all terrible and ungrateful and shitty people, but I did think it was unfair that, in the same breath, he gave everything to Marta. Don't get me wrong, I definitely felt that she should get it all and the family should get nothing. But I didn't like the position that it inevitably put her in, with the rest of the family turning on her and trying to get their claws into her and the money. It would've been nice if he'd somehow separated those things.

Anyway, at first I thought that the granddaughter was okay, but then (from what I remember) we see that she's just as shitty as the others, so I felt that she could go fuck herself as well.


Her standing on the balcony at the end was probably to show the culmination of her journey. Throughout the movie she was being manipulated by others and conflicted about what to do. From considering renouncing it to being led around by Ransom and even the detective who knew she was involved. Now, instead of being afraid of them she was mistress of the manor and in control whilst looking down on those who u used to be above her.


She's too one-dimensional to be a mastermind.


Indeed. That would have required Rion Johnson to write interesting and complex characters...


I hear he did that with Breaking Bad; never seen it so I can't comment, but he definitely didn't do that with this film. Still a fun watch though.


Hugh is the one that moves the plot. How do you think Marta anticipated and control Hugh's motivations and actions?


Until the very end, I was waiting for Marta to revile herself like in "The Usual Suspects".
Her 'ability' to puke when lying sounded so convenient to hide behind innocent good girl.


Marta was the best.


She has the best puke.


exactly ; )




You know TC, it's like you didn't even pay attention to the movie. Marta is the only good person Harlan know which is why he wants to leave it all to her. His family did a lot of wrong things which is why he didn't leave it to them. Walt was going to make one of his novels into a Netflix series against his will. There's the whole thing with Richard cheating on his wife with that woman Marta's age. There's his daughter Joni who used the money he gave her for her daughter's school on other things that she shouldn't have. There's Ransom being a lazy schmuck. His daughter Linda was already super rich from the real estate business she owned. So she didn't need it. His other grand kids were all rather spoiled. So he left it to Marta. Probably the only good hard working person he knew.


When Marta and Harlan were in the study though, he did say something about how Marta had suggested he stop supporting family members. I can’t recall exactly what he said but the writers clearly suggested Marta was manipulating Harlan.


Yeah because of the things I just mentioned that she knew about.


Harlan clearly manipulated Marta into the "coverup" of his over-dose death. Harlan was the manipulator, not Marta.


Movie was too woke for me. And it didn't have enough Latinas.


Micheal Jacksons shit.
