Left-wing media championed the hetero-washing of Emily Dickinson as a lesbian who cheated with her brother's wife? Really?
And when you look up the evidence to back up how/why Emily was a lesbian, there's literally nothing. Just nothing.
Ugh. We can't even have historical dramas now without Hollyweird distorting and disfiguring these real life people to suit their perverted agendas. Reminds me of what they did to Mary Annig, turning her into a lesbian in the movie Ammonite based on nothing.
No, it wasn't a fact... it's a made-up delusion by degenerates who can't find anything normal to attach their impulsive behavioural characteristics to.
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Any historical figure who was even rumored to show the slightest bit of friendship or affection for a person of the same sex is automatically co-opted as an icon of early Gay history. This only applies to positive, creative/artistic or "good" historical characters. They would never claim someone responsible for many deaths, like Hitler or Genghis Khan. That's just how the Gay movement works. They are so desperate to prove that they are about more than promiscuous depravity at bathhouses that they think it's OK to steal the identities of dead people who can no longer speak for themselves.
I notice they completely cop out of championing people like Lord Byron or Marquis de Sade, who more closely resemble their lifestyle.
However, it's hard to normalize degeneracy when the champions of said degeneracy are open about such degeneracy. So instead they co-op historical figures who can't speak on behalf of their own names and conflate their sexual deviancy with the lifestyles of people who are dead and gone and had nothing to do with the sexual proclivities of today's Leftists.
Reading through the user reviews of something like Professor Marston & the Wonder Women is quite disturbing, as a lot of people now assume that these two women involved with the creation of Wonder Woman were lesbians, when in fact some of the surviving members of the family have blatantly denied it. It's quite a defamatory thing for the director to have done what she did, but since it champions degeneracy and misleads people about history, it's a-okay in Hollywood's book.
They all have ties to satan. Why else would all of these people be trying to normalize degenerate behavior and doing their best to tear down the traditional tried and true normal family unit?
They dont want fathers in the household.
They want abortion rates high and they even want every tax-paying american to fund the abortions. They "make the babies comfortable" while the doctors and patients decide if the baby is "viable". Meanwhile there is footage and recordings of abortion clinic workers bragging about all the money they make selling the babies for organs on the side.
They want banners displaying all kinds of lgbtq sexual activities on public trains in the subway cars.
They want to teach young impressionalbe kids that "you can choose your gender and decide your sexual orientation in elementary school". And even pushing for legislation for minors to get sex changes and puberty blockers without the parents consent.
They want masculinity (the built in biological war machine who will protect us all from this lunacy) to be treated as evil and needing to be outlawed.
They want strong female representation, but also gender is a construct, and women must compete against biological men parading around as fake women.
America is racist, homophobic, and evil. Yet they live in America, have had a black president for two terms, and gays cannot be called out for their crap or else your livelihood is destroyed.
If you have children, you better do whatever you need to do in order to ensure they are homeschooled and raise them the right way to know this is wrong on many levels. Get some training in a job that will remain useful and pays decent. Dont let these people dictate your life or confuse your children.
They did the same thing to Queen Anne in "The Favorite." I mean, in that one, you've got a "love triangle" and a drama dynamic between three women; a fat old, sterile queen, her old favorite, and her new favorite. But it turns out, based on two, very well-researched answers I read on Quora, that Queen Anne was not gay at all! The creeps making "The Favorite" merely interpreted her tendency to have favorite, female companions in her court as "secret gay lovers" and went with it, despite there being no evidence that she ever had carnal relations with any of them.
I can't seem to think of many new properties being released that star three or more females that doesn't descend into lesbianism (heck, if it stars two females these days it's likely to devolve into a story about lesbianism). It's as if a group of women can never just be friends... as if it always and must descend into carnal desires at every turn.
It would seem like the average woman would recoil at the thought or protest? Maybe it's just not a big deal to most people.
I would definitely make my thoughts known to the studios if every single film that came out starring two or more males seemed to degenerate into homosexuality.
I know, I get tired of it. Can't people of the same gender be friends without sleeping with each other? Do they really not understand real platonic relationships like that in Hollyweird?
This was fun! Normally I get mad at hate threads like these, but this one was off the wall enough to actually be entertaining. Teetering right on the line that is "extremist or troll?"
Do you question when historical movies add straight relationships that didn't happen? Add whole characters that didn't exist? Add events that didn't happen? Rearrange true historical timelines to fit the story?