Obi wan's age

Why does Leia quip that Obi Wan looks old enough to be her grandfather when he looks 40s tops. Her father (Senator Organa) looks and is about 20 years older than Obi Wan yet Obi Wan looks old enough to be an old man (grandfather)?

Obi Wan does not look old. He does not look like a young man as he was in the prequel trilogy but he certainly does not look like an old man.

Ps. Also, I'm a bit taken aback that simple raiders and thieves can punch and beat him up given how powerful he was in Ep. III.


Yeah I was thinking as much when I heard that line. I guess they were too busy thinking of adorable, snarky quips to have "Baby Leia" say to realize that it didn't make much sense for her to think that Obi Wan was "too old" to be her father when the actual father who raised her is over a decade older than him.


But she knows that her actual father isn't Organa


She knows he isn't her biological father yet fully accepts him as such, having been raised as his daughter for her entire life experience. Therefore, it makes little sense in general & even less so from her perspective that she would be inclined to mock the idea of an even younger man posing as her father for apparently being too old. A man who was in his 30s when she was born, which isn't a common age to become a grandfather. Sure, it's not a big deal but it still doesn't make much sense, whatever angle you choose to look at it.


It was a silly comment especially as you brought up her stepfather is even older. This series take place 10 years before A New Hope so Kenobi is 50 years old. Ewan McGregor is 51, most likely 49-50 during filming. However he looks more like early-mid 40’s and far from being the old man he was in New Hope. It’s seems he’s gonna be doing a lot of aging in the next 10 years


It's that Sand people vodka.


Alec Guinness was 61 when they shot ANH...


LOL. Just shows how modern day aging process slowed. Back in a days actors at 45-60 years old looked so old. Now actors take care of their faces and bodies and look way-way younger at that age. Ewan looks like he is 40, not 51. And he will not look as old in 61 as Alec Guinness was looking.

Look at Cruise, Pitt, Clooney who are almost the same age as Alec Guinness was during Star Wars. They look 15 years younger.


The smoking likely prematurely aged people from the previous generation.


I mean lots of people smoke now too. But its amazing when you look at it.

People really dont look old these days at 40 and 50 years old. Men and women. Thats why its shocking to see how Obi-Wan should start looking so old in 10 years in that timeline. Despite Ewan actually would be the age of Alec Guinness in 10 years.

But he looks like he is 40 years. And Alec Guinness was looking like he was 70 in that movie.

Tom Cruise is 59 years old and he runs and does stunts. Alec Guinness was 2 years older and was looking like he was too fragile to walk ))


I'm not sure where I read or heard it but there is supposed to be 3 major age landmarks where one's age accelerates. I believe it's 33/36, 60, and the last is 90. So Guinness looking older at 63 fits into it.


Obi Wan should be about 47-48, he dies at 57 in ep IV. But I agree McGregor looks 40s rather than 50. I can understand him aging prematurely in the next 10 years. A ginger in a harsh desert environment with 2 suns and a hard life with ptsd is no joke. But Obi wan now looks his age, not like an aging old man yet.


Not sure where the 57 comes from. He looked closer to 70.


Guinness does look older and it's also one of the discussions on how they will prematurely age Ewan. I'm thinking his final fight with Vader, though he will win, will take a lot out of him and they may use this opportunity to prematurely age Obi Wan.

As for the 57 age, it's from SW canon and wiki.


Even though Alec Guinness was 60 years old in the original Star Wars, didn’t they make him look slightly older and act like he was older to live up to the “wise old sage” persona?


Wait, so 60 is not old enough to be "wise old sage" persona???


I mean they call him “crazy old man” and act like it’s difficult for Obi-Wan to walk/run like he’s in his 80s instead of his late 50s/early 60s.


I don't think it's a line that would ever even be uttered in Star Wars verse where everybody is a freaky looking alien. You wouldn't know how old anybody is.
