MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Nostalgia armor will shield this show fr...

Nostalgia armor will shield this show from criticism

McGregor's take on Obi Wan is beloved. When people talk about Obi Wan, they talk about both him and Guinness. It's very rare that someone playing a character someone else is responsible for bringing to life is liked this much. Hell, it's arguable that people think of him more when thinking of Obi Wan at this point.

Couple that with the fact we're going through this bizarre prequel lovefest driven by Lucas Cultists and I think people will not criticize this show much. Hayden Christensen sucked in the prequels, but everyone is ecstatic he's back. Please.

Now that's not to say this show can't be good. I think the trailer looks well-made.I think there's a good chance this show will be good. But I think people will ignore any flaws or shortcomings based on "fondness" for the prequels and McGregor.


So? You one of those incel cultists?


those incels who didnt want to be told to thank Lucas for shovelling shit in our eyes and acting like it was a masterpiece?


You mean EP 8-9, Solo and Boba Fett? No, that steaming heap can burn for all eternity.


*slow claps* we have the exact same stance on episode 8-9 and Solo (haven't seen Boba yet)


It's one to avoid. REALLY.


im just worried Itll be interlinked with Obi-wan and ill miss stuff.


That's a cold shiver right there about the potential Obi-Wan molestation...
But let's keep an open mind and prepare yourself for a gruelling time plowing through that Boba-Fest


while I overall enjoyed it I also had some problems with the mandalorian. namely the Ahsokha scenes. that was some of the laziest and weakest fight choreography I have ever seen in my life


If you thought that was bad then prepare to explore new regions of pain... And consider that I LIKE Temuera Morrison!


It's funny you word it like that. It's incredibly accurate. He got so bitter people didn't just swallow it up. It was common knowledge back then and mocked: Now all his zealots act like those movies are beloved. Revisionist history bullshit.


I have seen some of these full revisionist videos. one guy does two things

-he nitpicks the most silly criticisms of these videos that were largely done as offhand comments for laugh while ignoring the serious ones. essentially choosing the low hanging light hearted joke fruit and avoiding the serious criticisms.
-he also gives examples of Lucas homaging other films (the eyeliner shot from the good, the bad and the ugly I believe as one example used in clone wars) and proceeds to assert that simply because Lucas used a similar shot, the prequels are now magically elevated and are great! as if good filmmaking is simply an additionally equation, a summation of how many unique devices, shots, angles ect that you can homage/use from previous filmmakers. and this means "well he used 15 so the prequels are as great as those films!!" without understanding why those films are great in themselves

the only reason the third prequel was better, is because all of Lucas's overcomplicated failed politics, love story ect was pushed top the background and we were given almost pure spectacle. which I still don't think makes it good, but the flaws were hidden and what little character developed we got from the previous two films (and from the originals) could play out and we finally cared about the characters. but again when we do get to see Lucas's clumsy handling of dialogue and "romance", they are the most noticeable sore thumbs in the film and stand out and are still mocked (the Padme scene when Anakin has turned bad, then the "NOOOOOO" screaming scene.

while the prequelists call people who didn't like them just impossible top please haters/ it seems the newest strategy (used by Disney and Paul Feige) is to just call us sexists..


Hey, if people like them, I have no problem with that. I like plenty of bad movies. I like some of them BECAUSE they are bad. But this revisionist history stuff is nonsense. They were poorly received when they came out. They were never good.

I think ROTS sucks tbh. It has every problem AOTC has: bad acting, effects, no chemistry, and shitty over-the-top lightsaber fights. Add Palpatine acting like a raging moron, and I can't stand this movie.


I honestly thought reading the title you meant him wearing republic era Jedi/clone wars armour would buy his good will lol. you wouldn't have been wrong


The Tatooine sands are getting a bit abrasive though.


Guinness is what made Obi-Wan such a great character. Stoic and reserved. A great actor who brought gravitas to a movie no one expected to do anything.

Guiness and Peter Cushing’s onscreen presence gave the films respectable seriousness. Their loss is what took Star Wars from being a film aimed at adults to films aimed at children. Simple with lots of explosions and space ships.

As for this 27th Disney reboot. These are all trash and a waste of time along with everything made after 1983. And I’m being generous with ROTJ which was pretty weak in itself. By then they’d gone with burping frogs, teddy bears, and a dorky version of Han Solo.


His acting sucked but he looked bad ass as a jedi turned dark with the long wavy hair.


Christensen? Yeah, he sucked. I'm fine with him coming back, because he's probably just wearing the suit, likely got a little better as an actor, and is away from Lucas, but let's not pretend he was good in those movies.


Which one was worse in your opinion? Driver or Christensen?

Not just as an actor (Driver is a better actor overall although in SW was ... meh) but as a character as a whole.


I doubt Christensen will be in the suit. He'll be unmasked Vader (if shown) or Anakin in flashbacks.

I don't mind because I think he'll do OK with a director other than Lucas.


Every Star Wars product has attracted criticism from the fans, except for the first two films which are sacred!

Some fans make a hobby of bashing every new "STar Wars" project, those who spent years bashing the prequels moved on to the sequels when they came out, and then the solo films and TV shows. You can tell a show is popular if the rageaholic fans ignore its existence, like "Rogue One" and "The Mandalorian". They have nothing to say about them because they're good, so their boards on this forum are quieter than the abuse-filled boards of the Disney Trilogy.

I love STar Wars, and I hate the fandom.


I don't mean there won't be a single ounce of criticism, but the majority, general consensus, etc.

Certain things have become protected. The prequels and Clone Wars being two examples. We're going through this weird phase where people are pretending the prequels are good. Whenever something is like, it's due to Lucas, Filoni, or Favreau. Whenever it's not liked, it's "DiSnEY" or Kennedy's fault.

As you noted, you can't even discuss the sequels. Go ahead and try it. Create a post where you want to talk about the movie and characters. You'll get inundated with comments about DiSNEy, Kennedy, Jar Jar Abrams, and how much better the prequels are. These types will protect this show. They're already acting like Christensen was beloved and he was one of the worst things about those movies.


Yes, that is exactly why I hate the fandom, and FYI the IMDB prequel boards were like that back in the day. Attempts to discuss the rise of Palpatine were drowned out by howls of "GEORGE LUCAS RUINED MY CHILDHOOD" and far worse, all the loudmouth fans wanted to do was complain that the new material was different than the sacred first two films. They haven't changed.

And bringing up "Clone Wars" reinforces the point, that board is as dead as "Rogue One", because if the fans don't have any complaints to make they don't post at all. It'll be the same for "The Mandalorian", when the show wraps up.

PS: I sort of like the prequels myself, have for a long time. That is, I like all the scenes that aren't centered around Anakin and Padme. Palpatine is great, Obi-Wan is great, seeing the Republic is great, and Ani and Padme are badly written and played by actors who are lost under a director who doesn't give a rat's ass about actors.


It didn't protect Boba Fett. Most fans recognize it isn't very good.


The argument isn't "Star Wars will never be criticized by fans."


I understand that, that's why I compared it to a highly nostalgic character like Fett.


Nostalgia armor shield most Star Wars and Marvel properties from criticism.

I absolutely love Ewan McGregor and he's one of the few bright spots of those dreadful prequel movies. But I have zero hope for this TV show


Star Wars hasn't been criticized?! LOL, what?! My man, you've missed some things since coming out of that coma.

I agree - he was enjoyable despite thise movies being bad - which is exactly why I said what I said. Even people who don't like the movies liked his take on the character. The ones who actually like them will protect this show like they protect their beloved prequels.

I think it will be good quality - the trailer looks solid - but my fear is it will be rife with contradictions and plot holes.


I've missed nothing. You half twisted my words.

Ever since The Last jedi there have been two camps. Those that think the Last Jedi was the worst thing to ever come to cinema. And those who think it's an underrated masterpiece, the best since Empire that will defend it with their lives because of their blind loyalty/nostalgia to the property. They pulled the same crap with bobo fett, rise of skywalker, and will most likely with this one too.

As for me I live my life in the gray area. If it's good I'll tell you I liked it. If it's bad you'll hear me rant. If it's in the middle I'll discuss both the pros and cons. But as a whole Star Wars has been disappointing me since 99. I've missed nothing I'm just numb to everyone's childish antic for this franchise.


My man, MOST of the franchise has been criticized since around 1999.


On the other hand. Ewan and Kenobi managed to survive George's prequels rater unscathed, popularity wise in spite of the at times woeful writing and direction. Imagine what we might be in store for with Ewan turned loose on Kenobi AND with a good director and writer on board this time. I think this series will succeed (if it succeeds) based at least in part on the writing and direction aspects being a help rather than a hindrance this time


The writing is what I am most concerned about. I am worried they won't be able to resist from doing things that shouldn't happen.
