Ending. Town saved?

Saw this the other day....

So they finally got the sound that cripples the aliens to broadcast on the radio. The town is saved and they will soon be defeated? Only if you have the radio playing, right?

I wonder where the third movie will go now that everyone will know how to easily defeat the threats. I'm sure the government has discovered this as well. I wonder if they will expand the scope beyond the town and if the army will be presence in the third film?


Army? I hope not. I like the "smallness" of the movie. Having the military fighting thousands of monsters just becomes CGI fest. I like seeing a few people struggle for survival and overcoming astronomical odds.


I agree. Keep it small.



That can be kind of assured given that 99.9% of the military would be decimated at this point. The other 0.1% would be in a bunker somewhere.

So the army's going to be small regardless.


Maybe. Maybe not.



I like the "smallness" of the movie as well. But I liked the "smallness" of Alien as well. . .and Aliens went BIGGER, and was a great flick as well, just in different ways.

Conclusion: They can set a "bigger" movie in this world, and do a great job w/it. It's all about talent/execution.


โ€œAny time I had ideas, I wrote them down in case there ever is a Part III or a third one,โ€ Krasinski shares.

โ€œAnd we even went so far as to put in a couple Easter eggs, so that if I did do a third one, they would connect back to the second one.โ€


Given we know now the aliens can't swim presumably there are lots of similar island communities where the military could have retreated to. It's also pretty hard to believe the army wouldn't have been able to develop a similar sonic weapon.


yes a sound weapon. i wondered this too


Yeah, exactly who still has electricity and batteries to play their radio?
And if they do, who in their right mind is playing their radio while sound-seeking death aliens pounce on any sound?
And if you get by those 2 hurdles, you still have to realize you can kill the aliens with a headshot, which no one mentioned yet.

"We're here to help!" -- by getting half your town killed by the aliens we lured here.


Sort of like the Walking Dead, I suppose, where the zombies become a manageable threat, but the gangs of human survivors become the real danger.


The third movie will be centered around the army destroying the aliens Michael Bay style, explosion after explosion after explosion.

I enjoyed the first one a lot and this one was entertaining. It's pretty much the same movie though. There really doesn't need to be a third imo.


Careful. Bay is a producer of these movies.


Haha I had no idea. That is great!
