MovieChat Forums > The Mandalorian (2019) Discussion > so the man who captured / almost killed ...

so the man who captured / almost killed han solo and possibly disintegrated lukes aunt and uncle,

boba fett, is now a friendly hero character we are supposed to root for ?


Boba Fett was an antagonist, but not an outright villain. He was never on the side of the Empire, he was just a man making his way in the galaxy, and the Empire was paying him a living wage and the Rebels weren't, as far as anyone could tell he was wasn't nice and he was morally neutral.

And he's still that way, he rejects the conventional morality of his people and still isn't nice, but when there"s no money in doing otherwise he's still willing to protect a child and be decent to a fellow Mandalorian if he doesn't have a reason not to. As I said in another thread, the meeting of two philosophically opposed Mandalorians was a nice mix of antagonism and fellow-feeling, as they're both members of the same tiny minority.


Well he has the morality of keeping up a deal. They made a deal that if he gets his armor back they'd protect the child and he is sticking by that. I've known people's family members with less morals than this so that shows he's a man of pretty good integrity.


1) Didn't almost kill Han
2) Didn't kill Luke's Aunty/Uncle

Plus Mando isn't connected to any of those characters in any way at all?


I wanna know how he actually survived the Sarlacc he fell in in Return Of The Jedi


He gutted it from the inside.


It takes 1,000 years for a Sarlacc to digest its food. He managed to blow the crap out of it but he lost his armor and gear in the process and was HEAVILY wounded as well. It left him permanently scarred, bald, and practically dead. He was nursed back to health over a fairly long period.


Yes. It makes no sense, but yes.


Yes. Just like Vader. Showing Anakin and Boba as children was an attempt to show their other side.


When did they show that? Darn some of you have really tight memories of this stuff.


We saw Anakin as a child in Phantom Menace, and Boba as a child in Attack of the Clones.


Not necessarily.

This could be a one time thing. He could feel a sense of obligation to Mando or have a soft spot for kids. He might still be an awful guy, this is just something that appeals to his heart. It is a kid after all.

Or, the guy might have had a major change of heart. This is 5 years after ROTJ and he had a near death experience. That'll change a guy.


You have a good memory. How do you know he is the one that killed Luke's aunt and uncle? Thought some Empire thugs did it.


it's just a theory i heard once.


He's not a hero. He's an ally. There's a huge difference. It's also possible Din Djarin didn't know about Boba Fett's past dealings. Many people in the Star Wars galaxy don't, but a lot of people know his name. He was said to be one of the most legendary (and feared) bounty hunters in galactic history. But again, not everyone knows about all the jobs he did.

There has been talk of Boba's dad, Jango once being a Mandalorian, seeing as he wears the same style of armor as Mandalorians, but from what my brother told me, Jango stopped being a Mandalorian a long time before he signed on to be cloned.

That was very clever how they brought back the same actor who played Jango, because to be fair, it had been years since Boba Fett had actually done any bounty hunter work, and he is a clone of Jango, just allowed to grow and mature naturally.

Not to mention that Boba Fett's fans are probably enjoying seeing him again.
