MovieChat Forums > slyck
slyck (53)
Yeah it's alright. It's the best of the new live action series for sure based solely on the pilot, but it still wasn't amazing. There are some minor nitpicks here and there as another comment mentioned re: mannerisms and such but nothing too glaring (except for the last scene has some hot garbage from the bridge crew). One thing I have always said tho is that the current people in charge still fundamentally misunderstand the philosophy of Star Trek and the internal logic it operates by but that isn't even my main criticism of the nuTrek shows (that problem still persists in SNW but seems to be limited to secondary characters and not necessarily the overall show as it was in STD). My main criticism is that the shows just features bad writing. It's that simple, now it seems better in the first ep of SNW, the melodrama is mainly restricted to little cutaways, the occasional soap level monologue (but nowhere near the same level as STD) and just unnecessary scenes and lines reminiscent of a student film script. Those elements, while extremely less prevalent in SNW are still there.
They need a full clear out of the writers room and show runners of the entire Star Trek department and start with a new crew. While SNW is definitely better than the other shows and it does show promise I fear it may do what the other shows have done and just chose the wrong path with every decision. The bad writing at the core of nuTrek makes me hesitant to hope it will improve but it, at least for now, it stands on firmer footing than any of the shows thus far. 6.5/10
Good reply. I think maybe everyone just needs to have a good read of Don Quixote.
You're overthinking it, it was just a reboot of the series to do a bit of a rebrand to earn more money. They killed him to finish his arch in one complete story so they can be done with it and they can go either back to the old chronology or try something new again if they want.
Also we know the code name stuff is nonsense because previous Bonds have mentioned (Dalton) or even had flashbacks (Lazenby) to events from prior Bonds confirming they are all the same.
Indeed they were, when you mention "wasted" that implies to me not just alcohol so I thought I'd just comment that he could've been "wasted" during his films but not from alcohol.
I've spoken to a cinematographer that has worked a couple movies with Ford in the 90's and some recently and claims among the professional community he had (and I think still does but I can't recall) a reputation as a major pot head. He also provided a personal anecdote from a film he was a shooting with Ford who at the time didn't have any with him and didn't want to buy locally so he had some of his personal stuff sent overnight by FedEX.
Not saying I didn't enjoy it, I did. Just could've benefited from some changes and it might've been nice to see a more culturally different film.
If I remember correctly it was right at the time that EON acquired the rights to Casino Royale. So it was just good timing, new millennium, new actor, new Bond. Something different after 40 years. This would also follow as they introduced Blofeld right as they re-acquired the rights to the character.
Haha yeah that is true, I only roll my eyes and laugh when that happens. I felt the first episode where they where at Fox was particularly bad at that.
Can't disagree with you there. The writing and Tim's performance and general atmosphere of the show in terms of themes and such is probably one of my main criticism's, especially when you compare it to Home Improvement. Whereas HI seemed more sitcom with a writer's room that Tim had input in LMS seems more Tim tells them some jokes and a core theme and they try and intertwine those with regular dialogue and give it a plot enough for a half hour sitcom. Basically HI seemed like a much more well rounded show to me.
I can tell you my final straw down to the specific scene in Skyfall. It was when Q, the IT professional, plugged a USB drive from a known hacker into a non-Firewall-ed and networked laptop without talking any precautions of any sort.
And since then the writers have done nothing to try and earn my respect back as a viewer or even to earn any of the dramatic tension. The films are just being edgy as it is the current flavour of the month. None of the drama in them is legitimately earned, this is exaggerated further by the stupid "plot-twists" and ret-conning.
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