MovieChat Forums > For All Mankind (2019) Discussion > Wokeness for all WOMANkind

Wokeness for all WOMANkind

More complete and utter WOKE shite that has completely ruined what could have been a decent series. It's turned into a fucking BS soap opera about Feminism, Lesbians, Homosexuals et al, you know, the usual shite that we get rammed down our throats and come to expect nowadays.

I'm Deckard, Blade Runner. 26354. I'm filed and monitored.


I think you are defining "rammed down our throats" differently than everyone else in the world. Or perhaps you are just desperate for something to bitch about?


Oh fuck off you liberal tosspot.

I'm Deckard, Blade Runner. 26354. I'm filed and monitored.


Is liberal tosspot suppose to be an insult? I'm not actually liberal, so your words do not affect me.

Anyway, how do you define "rammed down our throats"?


The issue is that women work and make more money than most men. So, Hollywood is just following the money. I believe women are watching For All Mankind and they are liking it very much!


MGTOW is over there ------>


U Jelly bro?


Sorry to say, but you are absolutely correct. Remember how all the leading positions were male at the beginning of season 1 and at mid season 2 each and every leading position was taken by a woman. And as one of the leading female characters told midflight within the Apollo flight module: "Sex matters. Not qualification!". In the meantime were most straight characters either displayed as weak/dumb or their character was destroyed. And indeed there are 2 heterosexual and 2 homosexual relationships. But there arent as many homosexual relationships in reality compared to heterosexual relationships.

So what is this series? A dumb wokefest, which could have been otherwise a good series. Not a very good one, cause the scripts were sometimes that obvious to guess, that even a 5 year old would have done a better job. But the series had its moments. But everything which was good and suspenseful about this series was destroyed by woke losers.

So to all right wing snowflakes: Women should lead agencies like the NASA. And to the left wing dumbheads: Sex doesst matter. Qualification does. And when all leading positions within a company/agency are fulfilled by one sex, then this simply called discrimination. Doesnt matter if its the 50s with men only. Or with this sexist woke fest with women only.
