I hate all these actors and everything they say and do. The writing is garbage - I feel nothing. Some gorgeous shots (albeit a bit “green-screeny” at times) and the music is really good for the most part.
It’s leaving me with a bit of a “Wheel of Time” taste in my mouth.
(Special “most punchable face” awards for Elrond and Arondir.)
The cast is fine, much better than House of the Dragon.
I don't know how anyone could say that with a straight face. Morfydd Clark (Galahadriel) is terrible ! She can't act, she's wooden and she has no charisma. And she's supposed to be the star of the show !
Robert Aramayo can at least act but he is one weird looking elf. The rest of them were either just adequate or less than that.
House of the Dragon at least has a handful of good actors and the show actually has a story !
I will say that the House of the Dragon cast isn't as colorful as the Game of Thrones cast (just comparing the first two episodes of each show). I suppose that is inevitable when HotD is an afterthought to GoT/ASoIaF, and half of the case have long white hair. Granted, Matt Daemon is awesome. Not quite Stannis Baratheon awesome, but sure to be a favorite if he keeps it up.
GoT was exceptional though in terms of casting, apart from the younger members of the cast who were pretty awful for the most part. But the older cast members were mostly fantastic.
It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, the amazing production values and music save it.
The writing is below par and some of the performances I didn’t enjoy, Bronwyn’s son who doesn’t look much younger than her is awful, plus Galadriel came across as unlikeable, unlike the op I didn't mind actors who played Elrond and Arondir, both have charisma but bad haircuts.
It’s not a show I’ll look forward to viewing every week unlike House of the Dragon, which I’m enjoying.
I'm not even trying House of the Dragon because I'm tired of supporting tv shows with so much explicit violence. If I can watch Rings of Power without wanting to throw up from the gore, I'll be a happy and loyal viewer.
I will say, my jaw dropped in the first few minutes. It was stunning. But then people started talking... after that it was like someone took a quality-slider and started to slowly move it from “Peter Jackson” to “The CW”.
At least now we know when to expect a show to be utter dogshit: if the cast and showrunners start up a stupid, "anti-racism" campaign in the weeks or months before release. They do this because they know they have a gigantic turd on their hands, and want to deflect criticism by calling anyone who doesn't like it an "istaphobe" and blame the viewers for not liking the same gigantic turd once it's shat out on the world on its release date. I can't wait to hear all of them cry and moan on Twatter when they're out of a job and their show is cancelled.