New trailer. This is gonna flop so hard

Its like people who made this show - don’t understand why LOTR was so popular. It was because there was a premise how there was a dangerous ring that must be destroyed. And there was a group of very charismatic characters that went on a risky adventure to do that.

Here trailer after trailer they just show random people and random landscape shots. Without any coherent plot they just say pretentious speeches about Wisdom, Light and You Have Not Seen What I Seen. And its all being said by bunch of charisma vacuum actors.

Its like people who made this show think that there is an army of LOTR world fans, like Marvel or Twilight fans that will melt and faint just with looking at that Universe. There isnt. Those movies came 20 years ago. People who liked when it opened are 40-50 years old. They are not some fanboys. Young people dont really care about those movies even if they watched it. And there is nothing show in trailer to attract new viewers.

And that actor played young Ned Stark in Game of Thrones for 5 seconds. And he was so charismatic that people wanted more of his scenes. Here he is charisma free. Just like lead actress. And its directors fault.

This show is gonna flop. But Amazon will pull Netflix and lie how 65 billions of people watched.

I watched this trailer and I just want to go and re-watch Lord Of The Rings.


It'll flop hard and then the producers and actors will get on Twitter and blame white people for it failing so badly.


the producers and actors will get on Twitter and blame white people for it failing so badly.

weres the lie you guys are some racist people ever you movies to remain 80's racist action flicks to fit your racist AGENDA keep crying Moses Ingram and Constance Wu victims of your racism to preserve a old ideals


We just like real movies and you pretend to like pretend movies


We just like real movies and you pretend to like pretend movies

stop gatekeeping all of its pretend doesn't mean that should stop minorities seeing themselves in film we are all part of the human collective


Just what I was thinking...oh wait a minute, no it wasn't. I haven't received severe brain trauma recently so I can put together a coherent sentence. Carry on.


You'll get brain damage if you watch this crud I assure you


Jeez you're illiterate!


I wonder what percentage of viewers of episode 1 will just be hate-watching this shit-show?


Its not even bad enough for hate watch. Its just looks boring.

I’ll try to give it a chance and watch first episode to make my own thought of it. But I’m 95% sure that I will be bored to death, will not care about any character and what is happening. Well we will see.


I wonder how may memes will come out of this shit show.


I went and watched opening scene of Lord Of The Rings.

So epic. Nothing will ever top Cate Blanchett's voice in this epic monologue opening. Truly outstanding.

Gave me chills when I first saw it. Gave me chills two times I just watched it.


"Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin good forces have invented or made."

--J.R.R. Tolkien


way to twist Tolkien Words as He Used LOTR as Allegory albeit much like CS Lewis did with Narnia , Tolkien like Lewis and Lucas is LIBERAL Cry more don't Quote Tolkien if your gonna twist his words


Tolkien was adamant that LOTR was not allegorical.

"I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author."

Of course, that doesn't mean that there aren't allegories within LOTR which Tolkien wrote without being aware, but that's his position, anyway.


well Tolkien was champion of miniorites why he made the Hobbits the lesser of all the races the hero of stories its there dude save your ciswhite male-dominated for D & D Session your acting like Sauron & Mordor here with your facist ideologies


First of all, what on earth does that have to do with what I wrote?

Second, Tolkien never took a stance against racism, so he can hardly be said to be the champion of minorities. He once wrote angrily back to a German publishing house who wanted to know if he had Jewish ancestry (though in so doing he did confide he had no Jewish ancestry), but this was hardly public. In order to be a champion of minorities, somewhat more is expected than to quietly mean something about it.


Go Back to the Shadow Karl Aksel the bigot on this Board


Oh, do point out what I have said which is in any way bigoted.

I am all ears.


We'll see but I gotta say Elrond is just ridiculously mis-cast. Some little twerp who played young Ned Stark? Elrond was a powerful warrior and Gil Galad's herald! That's a lot of disbelief suspension.


*In your opinion


First of all they've rolled about 2000 years of history into one smelly garbage heap of storylines.
We can already see the show's gonna have all the modern cliches:
* One case of "cisgender white male is devaluing a strong and independent female" (TM) we can see in the trailer with Conan-driel and boyband-Elrond.
* There is also going to be an utterly predictable conflict of Tar-Miriel and Pharazon in Numenor. I am willing to bet a bottle cap against all gold of Moria that Miriel will be the one to instruct and lead Elendil, Isildur and transgender Anarion.




Are you 10?
