Everyone has forces acting upon them -- but everyone plays the most critical role in what happens or doesn't happen as a result. That's why choice is KEY rather than something to be glossed over in an eye blink. We're not tornadoes. We have volition. That's what stops the "inevitable" from being inevitable for that majority who choose not to cave in.
Dude, fuck you. Experiences have an effect on what we choose to do or not do. This story was about the inevitable massacre that happens when enough people in a society, for whatever reason, have to endure the same level of humiliation and powerlessness as Arthur.
No, most of them won't lash out, but some of them will choose to, INEVITABLY. And as long as this very real injustice is suffered to continue, then the massacres will INEVITABLY continue to happen every once in a while. As they have been for the last thirty years. Because they made a choice, yes, but they wouldn't have made that choice without the abuse in their environment.
Therefore the environment, society, whatever you want to call it, is partially to blame. It's certainly to blame for his suffering. If no one else is going to hold it accountable, then only the Jokers will. And they have a blurry aim.
For those few that do, it's still on them -- and they deserve complete condemnation
No they don't. Arthur absorbed unprovoked cruelty and rejection his whole life just because he was helpless. He suffered far more than anyone around him. I believe this shitty attitude that Might Is Right is systemic in our culture, which is why there have been so many mass shooters.
And there will continue to be until society stops being too pussy to look at how it's creating them. And it's not gun control, dumbasses.
I don't condemn his victims, I condemn the attitudes that created Arthur in the first place.
I have no empathy for that.
*shrugs* you're an idiot.