About the Sekai Taikia tournament (a farce)
We know that the creators of the show (The Harold and Kumar guys) are NOT martial artist IRL.
It's been made blatantly clear over the seasons. And yes, to the defenders: it's a show, we get it suspension of disbelief, go with the flow, enjoy it, yada, yada, yada
But as a martial artist this tournament is a joke and glorified fan fiction.
1. The Brawl - Karate is about respect, discipline, and self-control. The brawl was over the top, and frankly kind of insulting. Every other sensei is a giant man baby getting raged up, picking fights, this is not how a sensei is supposed to behave.
2. The kid dying - I'm sorry but the implications of a child dying in a Karate tournament. Social media would have a field day with this one in today's world, and it would not go over well. No way they continue that tourney under any circumstances. Suspended for at least a year. Vote to come back next year if better regulated.
3. The point system - 10 points for a knockdown, 20 points for a knockout. If that's the criteria for points, then Axel would've gone for the knockout punch against every opponent. Game over. Also, I get they're going for an extreme tournament. But in a tournament, you're supposed to be displaying control, and getting points based on your control. I don't care if this tournament is aboard, advocating for knockouts is ridiculous. How many concussions would there be if this was a real tourney? And I know there are real life full contact tournaments but those usually involved 18 and older (these are minors).
The whole 10/20-point nonsense reminds me of the 10,000 points a basket in space jam 2. barf
4. Johnny/Miguel switching back to Cobra Kai - NO way is hell. They literally disqualified a dojo for using steroids or whatever it was. But now it's legal for not only students, but senseis to just switch sides at will because the plot requires it. They could be disqualified for potentially throwing matches. No way this is allowed. I know they had a throwaway line of "well they used to fight for cobra kai" but that doesn't fly. You register your team when you enter the tournament. You don't get to switch midway through, or in the finals for that matter. I call BS
5. Johnny vs Sensei Wolf - do I really even have to explain this one? A tie is determined by a fight by the sensei's. Again, that would NEVER happen. I get it the writers needed Johnny to fight again on the big stage to regain his balance, feel whole again, and finally make peace with the past but........COME ON.
I'm happy with how the show ended and overall, a solid show. But this tournament was ass from start to finish