MovieChat Forums > Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood (2019) Discussion > Did QT forget to put a story into this o...

Did QT forget to put a story into this one? (spoilers)

Where was the plot???
How is this so long when theres no F**** story?

It had the rest of the ingredients
good actors ,
great sets
60s/70s nostalgia
cools cars
period costumes

a great snapshot of 60s California.

all of that is a great backdrop for a movie
But without anything actually happening thats all it is.

I heard it was a "slow burner" so left it till now (3 years after release)
I had a whole sunday evening , I was ready to watch a long , slow moving drama that i THOUGHT might turn out to be pretty good , given all of the above ingredients , and QT writing and directing .

But I didnt bank on

I later find out this is very loosely based on some real events concerning Charlie Manson
That might have made 2 of the scenes more interesting ... but doesent excuse the complete lack of story .

I thought the story might have started when Cliff visits the "commune" ... but no
Its just a bit of foreshadowing for the last 10 minutes.
No plot develops
or even starts .

I feel i had two and a half hours stolen.
This could have been edited down to 20 minutes plotwise - the first 10 mins and the last


It's a hang out kind of movie. Have you ever seen Dazed and Confused? (one of Tarantino's favorite)


I've not heard that expression , but I get what you mean - just enjoy being in that place with those characters etc.
There nothing stopping those movies having a story though , and still being 'hang out'


The worst thing that happened to Tarantino was that he made Inglorious Bastards and Django Unchained. They were wildly popular and people expected the same thing from Tarantino with OUATIH. He's not that kind of director. He does what he wants. You want to go along for the ride...fine; but, if not, don't bitch about it. The whining here is insufferable.


I dont know why you've picked those two out. They arnt that big compared to some of his others . and they All had some sort of plot - unlike this one.


They are two of his films that are loved by people who really didn't care for his films before.
