MovieChat Forums > Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood (2019) Discussion > Second time viewing comments - we should...

Second time viewing comments - we should appreciate filmmakers like Tarantino more....

Watched this movie for the second time and with a second view, some things are more enhanced and poignant the second time around.

For one thing, one can focus on the larger theme of the picture - of what Hollywood and life, in general, might have been like if the Hollywood fairy tale may have been allowed to go on a bit longer.

The subtle moments also bloom more - for example, when Rick Dalton emerges after his meeting with the Al Pacino character and cries on Pitt's shoulder. Or when Di Caprio speaks to the little girl about the novel he is reading and juxtaposes that with his own career.

(One thing that I missed from the first viewing was the menace I felt when Pitt goes to the Spahn ranch - when watching it in theaters I kept waiting for Pitt's character to meet a very violent demise through the whole scene. To me, it was chilling when he turned around the one time and saw all of Manson's followers out on the dirt road).

On top of that, as movie fans, we should appreciate filmmakers like Tarantino when they document American life and change. I can't think of any Hollywood historian as prolific as Tarantino and we need more filmmakers like him.


I agree and one day I’ll watch it a 2nd time. Yes the Spahn Ranch was chilling.


There is a documentary out there on this almost abandoned town and a couple of the people living there take the filmmaker to the former Spahn Ranch as it is today...

The name of the documentary escapes me....


Yeah I agree I wish he’d make more movies.


I wouldn’t even watch it again as it was a right load of fucking shit !!


How dare you!?




Tarantino is a prolific Hollywood historian?


have you ever watched any of his interviews? the guy has an encyclopedia-like memory when it comes to Hollywood and cinema.


Yes, absolutely, that's true. He's seen crazy amounts of film and seems to remember it all. I just thought you were saying he'd put out books or papers or something, he was documenting it. I misunderstood your meaning.




Yeah it'd be nice to see him make another movie similar to this.


You got that right! 👍
