Just once. I couldn't even imagine going to see a movie, any movie, more than once at the cinema now. As a kid I would go see a movie I liked 2 or 3 times no problem but now as an adult no way more than once even if it blew my mind. (Actually I think the last film I saw more than once at cinema was probably Star Trek in 2009 but that was because I had to see it again with friends a week after I saw it opening day, but didn't mind as I am a huge trekkie and the movie was such a huge deal at the time, it was just unbelievable that star trek was getting the same 150m summer blockbuster treatment as Transformers or Xmen, and after the TNG movies had ended up bombing and Trek was just dead, plus it was a return to the original Star Trek era with the original characters sort of a rebooted but with Leonard Nimoy. it was just mind blowing..like even now I still can't quite believe they actually made it..,so that was an exception..)
With this after the once at the cinema I bought the DVD for Xmas but haven't watched it yet just can't bring myself to do it.. just not in the mood for it at all. (similar with Blade Runner 2049 - saw it once at cinema thought it was awesome and got the bluray shortly after, but still haven't watched it nearly 3y later).. maybe its the length of both movies? or maybe not wanting to tarnish the memory of having seen them on the big screen ?