kinda bad

but can't stop watching




It has a very weak start, but gets decently better.


Yeah, me too. It's not awful, but it could have been better. I am a bit disappointed.


Great season finale tho. And that bridge scene, so revealing. The cliffhanger at the end of episode 10 either will define the series or kill it.


its not terrible but I feel it could have been much better.


Started slow and felt like a panderfest to the 90's, but I ended up liking it a lot.


Its indeed a panderfest to the 90's, as a teenager in the 90's, many of the things what we saw the kids using or playing with, that were typical 90's toys or hypes, were not a thing the next year anymore, like the tye dye shirts, that was really early 90's like 1990, if you walked around with those in 1996 you would have made fun off. The slap bracelets is also something i can only remember being a hype in the early 90's.

It just felt like they just researched some toys and hypes from the 90's and threw it all together and said; "Tada!! It's the 90's!"

I also did not get a real 90's vibe for me, but that could be because everyone has their own telling of how it was, like in the 90's over here in Europe, electronic music was incredibly big. Rock was bigger in the States.


i do it admit the show got better at it went along, faint praise
