Totally irrelevant movie

Gary Hart was a typical American mainstream politician - of both sides.
He did not care about anything and flaunted the rules because he was the best
looking latest model of what the media was selling to us. He knew he would get
the nomination and probably win, but some reporter decided to break the
unspoken rules and it took him down.

Besides being a slime-bag and a traitor to the American people, as all of our
politicians at the high national level are, Hart was nothing special. He was not
smart, again, his story was just as fake as Trump's, and probably worse because
there was not the ability to investigate candidates back then as there is today.

As American citizens we have to grow up and stop realizing that we are not
each other's enemies, these fake cardboard cut-out leaders are.

The only genuine candidate I have seen in my life has been Bernie Sanders
who sadly was almost neutralized by the system, however ended up making a
huge impression on Americans to wake them up.

Gary Hart in the view of history is a nothing; I don't know why they would
make a movie about him.


Hart was miles above Sanders re intellect--he foretold the essential rise of technology in daily life.

Gore may have sponsored bill which popularized internet itself, but Hart understood how technology overall would be essential for masses.

Rather than fighting technology on the campaign trail he embraced it. Hence why he was called an Atari Democrat. Yes it was okay to be intellectual.

And that was why he liked bookstores in addition to women.


Your support for Hart is just you opinion. He has done nothing, and he never came back or accomplished anything in his life. Hart was an empty suit, a lot like Clinton. They both had that manicured Kennedy look. If Jerry Brown had the sense of mind to smack corrupt Clinton down in the 90's when he got all puffed up about defending Hillary's honor ... what a joke, we could have had a real hard working guy in the White House who would have fixed a lot of problems. I don't agree with a lot Brown says, but I know he would have done a good job and been activist. Clinton's whole term was all about slowly giving into Republicans, and that was the same with Obama ... as a consequence Republicans became emboldened and showed us with Trump what they are all about, and it has nothing to do with the American people.


Publications Written By Gary Hart

The Republic of Conscience (Blue Rider Press, 2016);
The Thunder and the Sunshine: Four Seasons in a Burnished Life (Fulcrum Publishing, 2010);
Under The Eagle's Wing: A National Security Strategy of the United States for 2009 (Speaker's Corner, 2008);
The Courage of Our Convictions: A Manifesto for Democrats (Times Books/Henry Holt, 2006);
The Shield and The Cloak: The Security of the Commons (Oxford University Press, 2006);
God and Caesar in America: An Essay on Religion and Politics (Fulcrum Books, 2005);
James Monroe (in the American Presidency series edited by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.; Times Books/Henry Holt, 2005);
The Fourth Power: A New Grand Strategy for the United States in the 21st Century (Oxford University Press, 2004);
Restoration of the Republic: The Jeffersonian Ideal in 21st Century America (Oxford University dissertation, 2002);
The Minuteman: Restoring an Army of the People (Free Press, 1998);
The Patriot: An Exhortation to Liberate America from the Barbarians (Free Press, 1996);
The Good Fight: The Education of an American Reformer (New York Times Notable Book; Random House, 1993);
Russia Shakes the World: The Second Russian Revolution (HarperCollins, 1991);
America Can Win: The Case for Military Reform (Adler and Adler, 1986);
A New Democracy: A Democratic Vision for the 1980s and Beyond (William Morrow, 1983);
Right from the Start: A Chronicle of the McGovern Campaign (Quadrangle, 1973);

Durango (Fulcrum Publishing, 2012)
I, Che Guevara (as John Blackthorn; William Morrow, 2000)
Sins of the Fathers (as John Blackthorn; William Morrow, 1998)
The Strategies of Zeus (William Morrow, 1987)
The Double Man (with William Cohen; William Morrow, 1985)

In January 2000, Hart revealed that he is the political thriller writer John Blackthorn, whose books include Sins of the Fathers and I, Che Guevara.[82]


in addition to being Senator and running for President he co-chaired the Hart-Rudman Task Force on Homeland Security, served on the Homeland Security Advisory Council, and was the United States Special Envoy for Northern Ireland.

He earned a doctorate in politics from the University of Oxford and has written for outlets such as the Huffington Post

….and you have accomplished??


brux likes to send obscene messages via sock accounts.

I guess that could be considered an accomplishment...?


Those aren't accomplishments. Those are credentials. Going to Ivy League Schools didn't stop Bush and Obama from carrying out the Iraq war. In fact it's probably part of the reason they carried out the Iraq war. Everybody involved in the production of this movie was in favor of the Iraq war. Heck the guy who wrote the screenplay was the press secretary for Hillary Clinton, the most warmongeringest politician of all time. This Gary Hart fellow must have been a real piece of garbage.


Obama withdrew from Iraq dumbfuck.


"Yes it was okay to be intellectual."

There was never this explosion of anti-intellectualism really until Bush that Trump has now taken to new deranged heights, in part to cover for their own deficiencies upstairs. The other part is to connect with average voters. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, but his shtick involved successfully communicating to the white working class that supported him. Obama was always an egghead and Nixon was highly intelligent.

But high intelligence alone is a poor predictor of presidential accomplishment. Perhaps stupidity in light of Bush and Trump is a more reliable predictor.

Yes, Hart was an intellectual. But he ended up as just another politician felled by his own hubris in the political sphere. The narrative is as old as time.


Obama was always an egghead? Obama spent his youth in "Choom Gang". When he got to Harvard, they put him as head of the law review because he was black. He didn't publish a single article! He was a slacker, and a cosmopolitan, many things, but not an egghead. That's something totally different.

But, what those people all have in common, is the arrogance. People who think they're smart tend to get the idea they know how to run your life, how to centrally plan an economy. That's why people are against intellectuals as a class. Nobody is against "intellect". You seem to suffer from the same disease.


As usual, the stupidity you suffer because you swallow your Bannon inspired white supremacist propaganda whole instead of checking your sources. Unlike you, I've read what he's written and he's clearly intelligent and very well read. He graduated in the top 10% of his class at Harvard Law. Sorry but you're just an idiot if you think Harvard gives out A's just for being black.

Apparently, you're not aware there are plenty of intelligent people that dabble with drugs in their youth. Just look at your idol Brett Kavanaugh who spent the entirety of his high school years in a drunken haze and even writing in his appointment calendar special dates when he planned on getting fucked up.


You must be a pip at parties


You are not such a pip at making relevant, intelligent comments.



It was written by a Hillary Clinton press secretary. Finger on the pulse.


Bernie Sanders? Really? After selling out to the dems - after his defeat?
People should remember shit like that - and I have a suspicion they will in 2020. Bernie proved to be a man of no principles - just like the rest of them.


> selling out to the dems
> man of no principles

Troll much?

The reason Bernie is so popular is that he is one of just a small few
that have principles that he has stuck to for decades. He tells the
truth ... I know you hate that.

Bernie lost under very establishment rules ... not selling out.
In fact those are the kind of dirty tricks Trump supporters like you
seem to love so much.


He's always been a slug --- I met him on his 1st run -- Only way he can make a living IS politics because only folks buy the Communist code he sells, BUT the US has plenty of fools especially in VT
