MovieChat Forums > Hanna (2019) Discussion > After living isolated in the woods for 1...

After living isolated in the woods for 16 years

Hanna wouldve had bad teeth even worse breathe and hairy armpits. That boy wouldve not tried to kiss her once she opened her mouth. Her pitts were way to smooth for someone growing up in the wild like a cave woman. 16 years of trainging with no processed food and no man made distractions her body wouldve been that of a godess. She souldve had jacked up eye brows too.


Great points. Without the ability to shave there's no reason she wouldn't have had thick hairy legs either. She would have looked like some feminists I recall from college.

But who would watch if she had crooked teeth and hairy pits/legs? No one.


Bingo, op is an idiot


Thats the same thing i called your mom when she let me cum inside her. I told her to swallow u but shes an idiot.


That's so unnecessary. Jeez man, lighten up. It's the internet.


No one is watching now.


To be fair, I am 36 years old and although I go to the dentist once a year due to my medical insurance, I have no fillings and I am fine. I do get my teeth cleaned every 6 months though, but it is not unforeseeable that someone could be 15/16 and not have crooked teeth and huge cavities. I'm just saying it's not that implausible.

Edit: come to think of it I didn't even have dental until I was 21 and started working.


Never said she would have crooked teeth or rotten even. I live in the forrest and its pretty isolated out here. I know what the woman around here look like. The ones that hardly ever eventure into town are pretty ragged and hairy.


But her father was basically her drill sergeant too. It's not the least bit unbelievable that he'd insist on her grooming herself, both for the mental discipline aspect and so that if they were forced to flee on short notice she could blend in. Wouldn't look like a wild mountain girl or a homeless kid.


The thing is, think about the lives these two would have. Skulking around in the wild with all kind of bugs and animals. No lights, what do they do. Just her dad and her. That would be pure hell for a kid, not to mention any sane adult. It's ridiculous on the face of it and the show is built on that. This is mind numbing nonsense.


I don't know. It was in the middle of nowhere Poland with snow on the ground. Not all of Europe is as obsessed with the removal of body hair. This was in the 90's, but when I was living in Austria most women didn't shave legs or pits. So while times have changed, I don't think that it would be such a shock for a young man to come across body hair.

Also, genes have a lot to do with how hairy a woman is. If she'd never shaved it might not be all thick and bushy. The thick and bushy hair usually comes after one stops shaving.

I can also state that men really aren't that picky. Bad breath maybe, but her dad was civilized at one point and there are ways to clean one's teeth in the woods.


Thats my point, she didnt have any body hair. She was well manicured for living in the wild over a decade. She didnt even know what being on her period was since she tasted her first menstrual cycle. She had the smoothest skin for someone climbing trees, punching tress, running around with sharp jagged rocks. She wouldve had so many calluses, cuts, and scrapes.


I understood that and thought that was your complaint. I'm saying that we don't really see her body until after she showers at the compound so she very well may have been hairy. Not all women are naturally sasquaches either. A lot of teenagers don't pluck and shape eye brows either.

There are ways to keep teeth clean without toothpaste and a tooth brush in nature.


"Hanna would've had bad teeth even worse breathe and hairy armpits. That boy would've not tried to kiss her once she opened her mouth. "

Have you ever met a horny 16 year old boy? They typically aren't that picky.


I wouldn't think that of a 19 year old boy either. But I remember my sheer revulsion when encountering the feminists I did my freshman year at the liberal arts college I attended who would show off legs with such thick and bushy hair that you couldn't even see any skin.

They might have been hot otherwise. Instead they were revolting and I couldn't see myself hitting that under any circumstances.


> I couldn't see myself hitting that under any circumstances.

Gee, what a pity for them.


It wouldn't take much in the way of genetic modification to make tooth enamel a lot more acid resistant. And we never really saw what oral hygiene regimen Hanna practiced out there in the woods. For some odd reason the producers didn't consider that vital to the plot.

You don't need disposable safety razors to shave you know. Hanna probably uses a straight edge, like people used to do back in the old days. A good steel straight edge razor regularly sharpened and properly cared for can last decades. She had no trouble using a shower the first time we saw her take one, at the facility. So I imagine her dad must've rigged one up at their cave home. Some ancient peoples built showers using natural water sources and gravity, he may have done the same thing (although they never bothered showing that either). If there was a natural aquifer inside that cave the water may even have been tolerable; not exactly warm, but not freezing cold either.


Why would she groom when she didnt even know what her period was. She ate her own coochie blood.


She would've groomed herself because her father would've insisted on it; if they ever had to flee, how could they blend in with the outside world if the girl didn't look and act civilized? Yes she was dirty after all the running and evading. Nothing a quick shower couldn't fix though.

Hanna was 15. That couldn't possibly have been her first period. It was just a sign to the viewers, like her hearing the helicopters long before her dad, of her enhanced senses. She could smell the difference between period blood and blood from, say, a cut. Maybe she found something pleasant or comforting about the scent. Who knows?


I'm certainly no expert, but I'm not sure if anything would be wrong with her teeth. She's hasn't been exposed to preservatives, processed foods, sodium, or sugar. So I bet her teeth are healthy af. Maybe her teeth would be a littie dirty, but I think all she would need is a good cleaning.

As far as hair goes, I agree about that. But I'm assuming her dad saw to that and did something about it. But she was till too well-groomed. You'd think she had all sorts of hygiene products in that cave.

reply's not's a TV show.



No way. You’re joking.


The way some people obsess about things, you'd think they would need to be reminded.

