I liked it

I might be biased tho because I watched a bio about him first and didn't even know there was a Travolta movie about him
He always said in real-life someone should make a movie about me. Too bad he had to die first.
He had alot of accomplishments considering initially he knew nothing about speed boats.


I liked it too. It kept me guessing which is what IMO makes something an entertaining watch.

Also I liked the Florida motif. Incidently I've been on a fla kick lately.

Mainly though it was good characterization and reeled me in. I felt the danger was real. Also I like content having to do with the 70s 80s fla drug trade. Ie cocaine cowboys, scarface etc.


you mean this is based on a true story? i've never even heard of this movie till right now. i love Travolta and I love fast boats.
