MovieChat Forums > A Quiet Place (2018) Discussion > That ENDING!!! (SPOILERS!)


OMFG THAT ENDING!!! I wanted the dad to sacrifice himself for story purposes, and he did, which I'm glad for, but wtf was up with the whole hearing aid being what harms them???? They are literally a species that relies on their hearing TO SURVIVE!!!!!! HOW COULD HEARING BE WHAT HARMS THEM??? I get it, it's a high frequency and whatnot, but that's not even the main issue here... If that thing can hear television static, that the humans can't.... WHY CAN'T IT HEAR THEM BREATH, OR STEP, OR ANYTHING??? If you are going to pick a super trait for this creature then stick with it. Also, if someone makes a noise, why does only ONE of those things come and not a whole herd of them like in the final scene? That is the ONLY time that you see multiple monsters at once coming towards the direction of the sound... Ugh... plot holes... but anyway, the story was good, and the acting was phenomenal. Just work on better consistency with your monsters please.


They’re super sensitive to hearing so it is both a blessing and a curse. They hate sound so they attack it. Wonder how they’d enjoy a thunder storm.

If they could hear all breathing and steps it would be game over creatures win. There’d be no movie. I’m ok with the rules as they were laid out.

As far as the herd that’s a good question. They swarm the house after Emily Blunt shotguns the creature in the head. Does this mean that they are somehow telepathically linked? If so, why did it take killing one to make them swarm?


Made sense to me. They have supersonic hearing but they also seemed to be somewhat tech based and I thought that is why the high frequency bothered them.

Have a short review of the film here if anyone is interested-


The shotgun blast was what attracted them to swarm the house. Or possibly the ear piece. Or both.


Maybe they swarmed because they finally saw the humans as a threat? Until then, they were easy pickings (and lunch) for the monsters.


Fair points mate , i guess its just one of those clever / dumb films lol

Still enjoyable tho !


There was a scene in the movie where it is shown there are only 3 of those creatures suspected to be in the area. It is on some notes shown in the background.


The most frustrating thing to me is that we were robbed of having the mom blow all their heads off while the daughter plays them sweet chin music. Other than that it was serviceable.
