MovieChat Forums > Bud Light: A Real Man of Genius Homage (2017) Discussion > What I want to know is when did American...

What I want to know is when did American beer drinkers become such shriveling wimps....

If one picks or chooses what to buy or consume because of an ad campaign, grow the fuck up.

Talk about snowflakes, the American White Male is becoming one of the biggest wimps around.


Are you sure they are all white males though?
Don't be a sexist, racist piece of shite, will ya?

Thanks and have a great day ^^


Oh, yeah, Kid Rock, all the country stars and others throwing the fits males. Haven't heard of one female shooting up cases of beer.

Are you from outside the US or just faking it?


The days of republican party being supported only by whites is long over. Heck, even the homeless are moving away from the democrat-governed California - lol

What is true is that bud light ad campaigned have always mostly targeted lower class white men - so, it shouldn't be surprising to see a much bigger reaction (at least publicly) from that segment of the population. I do wonder how black/latino peeps feel about bud light these days - or if they have always despised it for its foul taste (which I totally get - lol).

Personally, the only beer I'm gonna miss is Hoegaarden.

I must admit though - weaponized corporations are basically surrounding us. There's like 10 different woke movements out there and most corporations support at least one. Considering that corporations of today are nothing more but the last stage of capitalism - it's gonna be very hard to boycott all of the products.

I see Ukrainians trying to boycott the corporations that haven't left the Russian market and it ain't easy, because nearly all corporations are interconnected - and most corporations have stayed in Russia, so good luck boycotting that.

It's like people who tried to avoid using plastic in daily life, while living in a city - it's impossible. 95 percent of products are in plastic containers or are wrapped in plastic - lol


They're sheep, led by special interests.


It's not just white males, it's all races. I'm a black American and if I drank that crap to start with, I'd boycott it as well. For context, I'm not a big beer drinker. When I do drink beer, it was usually a Sam Addams but lately I've been buying Yuengling. In no case have I ever drank "light" beer (I don't see the point).

But maybe some people just don't think that transvestites should be doing drag shows in front of grade school kids. There have been transvestites for decades and no one cared, but once they started coming for our kids we started taking notice.


I enjoyed your comments until this one: "but once they started coming for our kids we started taking notice." Frankly, the vast majority of these people are doing nothing like that at all and it is pure fantasy and disgusting to portray that is happening (hell, if one is honest when it comes to "grooming" the Catholic Church and child beauty pageants are more of "groomers' than some dude dressing up as a woman).

I am so sick of how the right in this country is turning all those other than heterosexuals into bigger enemies than mass shooters and killers and as predators when the majority are not.

And if you think that is horseshit, just look at their comments and actions regarding these killings and shootings in comparison to how quick they push through legislation involving gays, transgenders and others.


What then in your considered opinion is the reason the transvestites are doing drag shows in grade schools? What is your thoughts about those on the left pushing for kids to make choices about their gender below 10 years of age?

How about left leaning school boards putting books in schools that describe graphic sexual

Children only get one chance to be innocent and free from perversion, and it's being taken away from them. That's why I'm a former leftist.


yeah I was pro fag rights when all they wanted to do was cheat on their taxes by getting married. but now they want to come against the kiddos and lost ALL my support...


I'm still pro-gay marriage, but I remember people telling me 20 years ago that it was a slippery slope and they won't stop with just gay marriage. I said they were being paranoid. I have to admit I was wrong.


tax cuts for marriage is to incentivize procreation. dirty ol butthole sex doesn't result in that so they really shouldn't even have that right


That beautiful poetry aside, not all people who marry do so for procreation - indeed the level of illegitimacy is at an all time high.

Most people who marry these days don't do so to legitimize their child's birth (the stigma of unwed children long gone) but to genuinely make a lifelong vow to each other.

I'm just as disgusted as you are by two same sex people looking into each others eyes (barf) but my logical side says these people are *born* this way and not just doing something perverted by choice. They should have the right to marry.

I just don't want to have to look at it. Maybe the younger generation will be more tolerant than me.


i doubt, the younger generation will be even less tolerate to this shit after their childhoods are tainted by the gay mafias propaganda


the beer tastes like shit, only thing going for it was it was a "Murican Redneck Product"

They controlled the biggest market. Alcoholic blue collar guys that drink excessively. Marketing to queers who don't even drink beers was the dumbest most retarded thing the company could have done


Interesting take. Emasculating male consumers for not purchasing a product they believe emasculates male consumers.
