MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > THR: Linda Hamilton "Would Be Quite Happ...

THR: Linda Hamilton "Would Be Quite Happy to Never Return" to 'Terminator'


"She won't be back," - Cyberdyne Systems Model 101


Dark Fate not only terminated John Conner, it terminated Linda Hamiltons involvement with the franchise


I think it also terminated the whole franchise altogether.


It might be back one day.. but if it is it'd most likely be a complete reboot without any Arnold, Linda etc


It should have moved on years ago. Arnold is The Terminator yes but he can't be it forever. Old Arnie Terminator idea was new in Genisys, now it's just stale.

Linda Hamilton coming back doesn't really help either, she looks... ancient. She was badass tho' but the constant putdowns made by Grace character diminished her badassery.


"Terminator" was a one-movie deal. They should have stopped there.


And never make the arguably greatest action movie of all time which is T2?
Yeah no, glad they did. T2 is a masterpiece of filmmaking.

everything after though... that's a different story. One of misery.


T3 is not that bad in retrospective. It's biggest flaw was just not being as good as or better than T2. But that's simply too difficult for any movie to achieve. T3 is still better than any other Terminator sequels.


My issue with T3 was that it didn't take itself serious at all anymore. The silly sunglasses scene for example, it was too much. T2 new how to lighten the mood and where to stop ("stand on one leg!").

Also, the Termiantor in T3 was horrible. Loken did a nice job but her Terminator was so over the top it was annoying and boring. Sometimes less is more.


Loken's T-X is basically the same as the Terminator in Dark Fate. They just rehashed the idea.


"Dark Fate not only terminated John Conner"
Dark Fate did nothing of the sort, because Dark Fate was terminated. Or at the very least, I refuse to acknowledge its existence.


The Dark Fate reviews were quite positive as 70 percent of the critics and 82 percent of the audience enjoyed the film according to Rotten Tomatoes.

I wonder if the author typed that with a straight face. Rotten Tomatoes is an utter joke these days. They're as "woke" as T:DF is, and have less credibility than any given town drunk or crack whore. If their 82% audience rating had any validity whatsoever, then T:DF wouldn't be the seventh worst box office bomb in movie history.

Today’s audience is just so unpredictable.

You mean your woke Hollywood pals aren't representative of the general population? Who'd a thunk it?


Don't forget their blue checkmarks on Twitter friends who would praise anything if you just throw them a bone.


RottenTomatoes literally bans anyone who does not prove they bought a movie ticket through a handful of platforms they can check now. There is no "audience", only "approved theaters".


More from Linda on DF


Interesting stuff. I wish she would be very candid and openly say what she thought about the finished film. I wouldn't mind hearing Mackenzie Davis's thoughts either.

As it stands, I think there are two excellent Terminator films, two okay ones, and two really shitty ones. They get progressively worse.


Three great ones, one good one, one meh prequel, and one I haven't gotten to actually see yet.


What's the third "great" one? T3 or Salvation? Honestly, I can't see a rationale for calling either a great film, though I think Salvation is the better of the two.


Dark Fate



Haven't seen yet:


Cinema audiences would be quite happy to never return to Terminator either, judging by how badly this movie performed.


It saddens me to think back to summer 91 seeing T2 it was like a seismic EVENT that summer.. like Batman 2y before or Jurassic Park 2y later ..yet now here we are after FOUR (or 3 anyway) tries at a T3.. the latest effort going down in box office history as one of the biggest bombs of recent times - an unthinkable notion in back in 91 the same year as the other big movie I went nuts over Star Trek VI which made about a fifth of what T2 did.. yet flash forward to now and the 3 recent the Trek movies made more than any of the last 3 Terminators! (Star Trek! bigger than frickin Terminator!! crazy)


I think someone needs to send Michael Biehn back in time to 1992.....and have him go find James Cameron. Tell him: "James...make one more Terminator film, a proper T3...and have that be it. I came through time to tell you this!"


Watering down the rating and constantly repeating the same story is what killed the Terminator franchise. Everything after T2 was a cash-grab.


Ah yes, the "audience is so unpredictable" because it didn't throw its money at a SJW Terminator movie no one asked for.
Good on you, Linda, keep living in your bubble.

Go woke, go broke.


What’s likelier, you returning as Sarah Connor, or AI writing the next Terminator movie?

-AI writing the next Terminator movie. And they kill me off before we start. That’s the best scenario.

Dark Fate was it, then? You’re done.

-Shoot me. Shoot me! I’m very glad I did it, but…

With the benefit of some time, are you happy with it, or do you wish you hadn’t revisited the character?

-I don’t do a lot of regret. I think in the end, it holds true that we regret what we didn’t do, not what we did. I’m very glad I went back. I loved [director Tim Miller], I love my ladies [Mackenzie Davis and Natalia Reyes], and while I can’t say I love the film, that’s because I was so attached to it. I only saw it once. I felt like it was too fast. But we did so much good work, and it was the greatest time of my life, and the worst time of my life, all rolled into one film. I was 63 or whatever I was, and it was the hardest shoot. Every day it was like a triathlon: “Now we’re going to swim for two hours and then we’re going to run for two hours.” I read 40 books on that show. That’s all I could do, lie down and read, send my mind somewhere else and rest my body
