MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > Remember when Rotten Tomatoes scores use...

Remember when Rotten Tomatoes scores used to mean something?

This film has a higher Rotten Tomatoes score than Alita and the same rating as Joker. Captain Marvel has a higher rating than all of them. The last Jedi stands at 91%, a higher rating than Infinity War. When did film critics become such an embarassment to their profession?


Movie critics are getting into the political game unfortunately. They can't be trusted anymore than the media or Washington. Always a political spin now, in every phase of life. They think reviewing movies gives them the platform to preach. They're full of shit.

I used to actually read reviews and trust certain critics' opinions, but now I don't buy a damn word they say, and I'm sure the movie studios toss some extra money their way to review their movies well and competitors movies poorly.

As for RT, they lost me with the handling of the Captain Marvel fiasco...that tomato meter is a corrupted mess.

The only review I trust anymore is my own when I see the film in the theater.
