MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > Why are most people not OUTRAGED by the ...

Why are most people not OUTRAGED by the murder of you-know-who??

I mean, he was the most important character in human history, was going to defeat the machines in the future and win the war for humanity, and his and his mother's story was the raison d'etre, the backbone, the core story of the first two classic Terminator movies! And this movie just casually kills him off and basically tells us "so you wasted your time and investment in those first two movies, see our future diversity quota heroine, she's much better than any white boy"!

This happens, and people, even supposedly T1/T2 fans are OKAY with it? I mean, they must be, because I haven't heard many other people criticising this choice in the movie!

I despair for moviegoers if they're just going to shrug their shoulders at such a major event, as there should really be a BOYCOTT! It may be just a pair of movies, but people love them, and all the sequels have done is muddy the storyline and ruined it, especially this current turd!

Re-examine this movie, "fans", and see it for the travesty it IS!


Honestly it was fucking stupid.

Why didn't they take advantage of real life Edward Furlong's story? John Connor could have become a messed up adult after what happened to him in T2 and lost contact with his mother. Then when another T-800 programmed to appear later shows up, John has to pull himself together and find his mother. That would have made a far better connection to T2 and the return of Linda Hamilton even more powerful. No fuss about a new Skynet or new terminator models, just an aged mom and fucked up son fighting a good old t-800.


Edward Furlong has the wrong color skin and body parts for Wahmanator.


Yes I’m with you. I heard of this blasphemy and I’m boycotting it.

But like other said we’re also kinda desensitized by what they did before like in Star Wars and such.


Probably because we all consider whatever came after T2 to be fan fiction, and chances are they’ll just wipe the slate clean again for T7


John Conner was killed off because obviously only a female can be the saviour of mankind. I mean come on it's obvious men cant possibly be leaders anymore in Hollywood. I can foresee a time in the near future where all movies are all female led with men being " love interest". Action films are aimed at men so when this happens a lot of films will bomb.


I didn't really like the john connor character from T2. He was too much of a punk in my opinion. A high pityched squeally kid that was was acting to tough for some one that haden't hit puberty yet. I agree they shouldn't have killed in in this movie. I don't understand the trend of killing off all the older characters these days (Star wars)instead of letting them just wonder off into the sunset.
