MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > Did the enemy Terminator form a GUN out ...

Did the enemy Terminator form a GUN out of liquid metal?

In Terminator 2, it is established that the T-1000 cannot form guns, with explosives and moving parts, but only knives and stabbing weapons. So why does the enemy Terminator in this movie somehow form a recognisably branded gun this way? Was the gun already there and concealed? I noticed it when I saw this crap, and this is just shoddy writing and ignoring a superior movie.


Cuz it b like moar advanceded and dangerouserer! MOAR MOAR MOAR!

I hate that so many movies doesn't get the fact that in the sequel, the threat doesn't always have to be bigger, badder, better.

It mainly just need to be a good, engaging and coherent story - and an "ordinary T-1000", would still be a dangerous af enemy.

Sure, in T2, they upped the threat, but they also upped the "bodyguard", to a degree where there's less a difference between the good and bad guy, than in The Terminator - but mainly, what made it succesful, was that they made a great story, flow and characters.


I'm sure he can form a gun - just not the one that shoots.
Are you referring to the scene where he has to hand in his gun in order to enter the prison?
I don't recall a scene where he actually used a gun for shooting.


Yes, he was in the factory that the girl worked at, and transformed into her father. He formed the gun in his hand and was about to shoot it when Grace shotgunned him in the head.


Surely its simply because it is a far more advanced version of a Terminator?

Remember this is not Skynet anymore, this Terminator came from a completely different time than the ones in the first two movies.

So the rules of what the liquid metal terminator could and could not do in T2 simply dont apply.

And a far more interesting question is how did Arnie know about the various terminators coming back in time, and texting this info to Sarah Connor?

I dont remember anything mentioned about how he knew.


Arnie explains this when they come visit him. He has a way of predicting the rift in space time or something


Yeah, that was poorly explained through one throw away line Arnold says. Something about how he can do this because he apparently can detect the temporal displacement as they send shockwaves through time before the event occurs.


No he did not form the gun. It was in a lunch bag that was part of him.


Well, that's something.


This movie is stupid. That's why.


Blew the wrong dad this morning?




Spit it out before you talk dude.




The machine sky net built can’t but the machines from legion can


Couldn't the original t1000 just hide a gun inside his liquid metal?
