
Was really enjoyable.

A fun, entertaining movie. A bit dark with just a splash of humor and some moral "dilemmas" barely touched but overall quite ok. The Rock was ... the Rock but not really, a more brooding and uncharismatic which was different for him, not an Oscar performance but not a bad one either.

I would say 7/10.

I liked it a lot more than the last Thor ...


I pretty much agree with everything you said there.

I wish it went farther. I wish the Rock acted more. But as it stands, decent and enjoyable film. My only frustration is with the two younger male characters. I found both unfunny and a waste of movie time (despite how the important the son was to the narrative).


You must be trolling!


Just because you disagree with what I said?

Don't tell me that you think that Love and Thunder was better than Black Adam ...


And this showcases you are not worth listening to about films. Your credibility is now completely shot. Not that you really had any to begin with. Black Adam is an awful film in every sense of the word. Yet you claim the Batman to be bad? Wow just wow!


And this showcases how much you understand from the written word. Is English your 4th language?

Show me WHERE did I say that Black Adam is a good movie!! I dare you.

But you cannot because i never said that, I said that it is an entertaining and fun movie (The Batman is NOT fun and not so entertaining).
So you are an imbecile that cannot understand simple phrases and a liar.

For me 7 is a passable movie.

And to use your own arguments:
rotten tomatoes, audience score (I don't give a crap about critics): 90% 6.8 (pretty close to my 7)
metacritic, (again, user score): 7.3.

Plus: I said that I liked it more than the last Thor, what do you know: it does have higher ratings than Thor: Love and Thunder on all those sites.

So, make like a train and fuck off, you idiot.


I do care about critics. I factor them in as well so your attempt to turn my argument against me didn't work. Also the batman is fun and entertaining. It just has more nuance and subtlety than this garbage film does. I found the batman to be very entertaining. Much more than this film. It's better in every way. The objective data backs this up. Only you is who thinks this film is better. Majority beats you and always will.

Thor love and thunder is trash so it being better than that isn't exactly a high bar to clear. Anyway financially and critically the batman craps all.over this trash. Another loss from you asom. You have trash taste in cinema. Get educated on film before commenting further. Got it?


" Only you is who thinks this film is better." - show me where I said that.

I dare you again, show me where I said that you lying imbecile.

You can care about the critics, I don't because they are paid or at least biased. I don't give a shit about you either.

Learn some logic and stop projecting, you are too stupid to even understand what I'm saying ...

And based on that I can see that your taste in movies is rubbish, a stupid individual like yourself cannot appreciate ANY movie, all you can do is copy opinions that you don't understand.


You said it was more entertaining. That indicates you think it's better.

I trust critics over you. You are not the sole authority on what determines if a movie is considered good by the majority. I'm not either. Who should I trust you or the majority?

I have far more knowledge of cinema than you do. That much is certain.


"You said it was more entertaining. That indicates you think it's better."

that proves how stupid you are. Better doesn't mean more entertaining. More entertaining doesn't mean better.

You are truly a moron.

"I trust critics over you. You are not the sole authority on what determines if a movie is considered good by the majority. I'm not either. Who should I trust you or the majority?"

Make up your mind imbecile!!! Do you trust the critics or the majority?? I gave you ratings FROM the majority that match MY rating you moron. And the critics DON'T match the majority!!!
Can you understand that?? So my views are in conformity with the majority in this case. CAN YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND THAT OR IS IT TOO HARD???

And you don't trust the critics, you just "learn" what they say and claim it as your own. You have NO personal opinion or thought. You're just a shill, a bootlicker.

"I have far more knowledge of cinema than you do. That much is certain." It's certain that you don't.


You said the Batman was total trash and a failure. What positive thing did you say about the Batman? You said positive things about Black Adam. So um what does that indicate? So lets give you the chance right here. I will give you the chance to backpedal. Is Black Adam better than the Batman?

You are an ignorant buffoon.

I was referring to the majority of critics. Apparently you were too stupid to get that. However in the case of the Batman you got beat by every angle. It was a financial success, critical success and a success by the mass majority of people.

Nope I have my own brain as well I just put more stock in them than you. You want me to think you have credibility and you have none. If I have to decide if a movie is worth seeing I am going to choose their word over yours sorry bud.

Oh I do trust me.


"You said the Batman was total trash and a failure."

Given that you usually DON"T understand plain English and you project a lot of unreal things ... and that you constantly lie ... can you quote where did I say that about The Batman? Let's see the proof.

"I was referring to the majority of critics. " Again lying. What else can you do!?

"The majority" is NOT the same as "majority of critics" you imbecile.


Comical irony alert! Who is the one who said English is not his first language? Your condescending attitude is noted and dismissed.

I disliked the Batman because it's not a good movie and not a good batman movie. And the are parts that were cringe ideology and laughable. Like the jab at "old white males".

So okay I did not get your quote verbatim but you did indicated it was not a good film. Which is not shared by the majority. You said nothing positive about the Batman. Oh I know your little tiny ego was hurt by a comment about whites having privilege. Cry me a river. You did say positive things about Black Adam. So doesn't this indicate you think it is a better film?

Nope I was referring to the majority of critics. Even so though when factoring in the majority they think the Batman is a good film. Checkmate!


Yeah, again, CAN YOU FUCKING POST WHERE I SAID THAT " the Batman was total trash and a failure."???

You cannot. As I said, you are just projecting, lying, misrepresenting what I said because you are so fucking stupid to understand plain English. PERIOD.

Yeah, it is not a good movie, just how Black Adam is not a good movie. Black Adam was, at least for me, more entertaining. maybe The Batman was a better movie, that doesn't make it good. If you cannot understand the concept I'm sorry for you.

Yes, YOU are right, English is NOT my first language - and that's why I try to use simple phrases that even an idiot would understand - but not you, but your understanding of English is lackluster you moron ...

No idiot, if you are referring to the majority of critics you must specify it because using "majority" has a widely and generally accepted meaning of "the fucking MAJORITY" - specially in this context where there are the CRITICS ratings and THE MAJORITY (users) rating. Too hard for you???


I said okay I did not get your words correctly verbatim. You did call it a bad movie which it clearly is not considered bad by the majority. You said more positive things about Black Adam which proves my point that you think it is a better film.

I openly stated I misquoted you. However you did say it was a bad film. I have that in writing. So I was not totally off.

It is not a good movie according to you. The mass majority of people and critics disagree.

You are a fool and need to get off this board. Violate the rules and you will be removed. How about you tell me to off myself like you did before? Remember doing that and I reported you for it?

Nope it was clear you are trying to play dumb. Anyways I am satisfied now. I like making a fool and pissing off idiots. Scoreboard me 18 you 0.


"You did call it a bad movie which it clearly is not considered bad by the majority. "

I DID NOT CALL IT BAD. Read again my quote. Not a good movie DOESN'T MEAN IT'S BAD!!!

Only in your mind there is only white and black, good and bad - in reality there is a lot of nuance, a thing that you don't know what it is. Fucking moron. At least you realized that what you think I said is not what I actually said and that EVRYTHING you're saying are projections and lies.

" is not considered bad by the majority." the majority or the majority of critics??

"The mass majority of people and critics disagree." so you at least learned something, that you need to qualify what that majority is to be a valid expression. At least you learned something you imbecile.


"Scoreboard me 18 you 0." what a vivid imagination. I guess you wanted to say -18 to 0. As I said, everything you think you "won" are just projections and lies. And I'm not even trying, with an imbecile like you.

How the fuck are you even on this board? I'm amazed that you even know how to operate a computer.

Leave this place for ever you moron that lacks any kind of logic. And learn some fucking English along with that logic.


When someone says it's not a good movie and it's not a good Batman movie what does that imply? Also again even if I grant you that you are in the minority in thinking it's not good.

Not in the Batman's case. It's unanimously liked among critics and the mass majority of people. Boom get checked!

Like I said me 18 you 0.

Nope I have a right to be here like you do. Make me leave.


"When someone says it's not a good movie and it's not a good Batman movie what does that imply?"

It implies that is not a good movie. It doesn't mean it is a bad movie. There are layers and layers. Exceptionally bad, bad, not really bad, not bad, neutral/indifferent/whatever/meh, decent, not really good, not good, kinda good, good, exceptionally good, perfect.

Get the idea? It's not my problem that your 2 cells in your tiny brain can only understand "good" or "bad".


Lol nice play on semantics. Okay lets grant you that. The majority of people and critics disagree and thinks it is a good movie. So even if we go off your word in saying it is not good that is not what the majority says. If I had not seen the film who's word should I take if I am to see it yours or the majority of people and critics? You are not the sole authority on what determines if a movie is good or not. Understand? I am not claiming I myself am because I unlike you have some humility.


" So even if we go off your word in saying it is not good that is not what the majority says."

Again, I don't give a SHIT about what critics/the majority or YOU think about a movie.

"You are not the sole authority on what determines if a movie is good or not. Understand?"

And I NEVER SAID THAT. All those judgements (good, not good, entertaining, etc) are PURELY subjective. Yours as well, or the critics OR the majority.



It does not matter if you care or not. The point stands the majority is what determines if a movie is great or not, not you alone. If you dislike Citizen Kane it would not change the fact that it is considered a classic piece of film. The Batman is considered one of the best Batman films ever made.

Nope when factoring in the data that is beyond your or my opinion. The fact is the majority of people consider the Batman a good film. That has nothing to with my personal opinion.

Your education was free today. Get educated on cinema you have trash taste.


" The point stands the majority is what determines if a movie is great or not, not you alone."

Nope. The majority at some point thought that earth was flat.

Was the earth flat???

The majority vote for shit music. Are you arguing that CardiB (or what the fuck is her name) is good music?

"The point stands the majority is what determines if a movie is great or not" False. A lot of times the majority has shitty taste. Like you.

You keep repeating some stupid shit (like you're educating me? hahahaha) and you think that if ou repeat something that becomes true.

I proved endless times that you lie and misrepresent what I'm saying. Or you plainly don't even don't understand because you're too dumb.

Did you just compare The Batman with Citizen Kane??? Sorry but that shows how much your culture is lacking, idiot.


This is taste in films, not scientific theories. Your attempt to discredit that and deflect is dismissed. Get back to me when Citizen Kane is not considered a classic film. Once that changes you will have a point but unfortunately for it will not change lol. So your mention of people thinking the earth was flat holds no weight at all. Nice try though.

We are not deflecting to music we are talking about films. Cultural impact, reception by the critics and majority is what determines where it places in cinematic history. Popularity is not all that is needed. The Batman is not just popular it got good reception as well.

Now you are the one lying lol.

I never once compared the Batman to Citizen Kane. Your attempt to lie is noted and that adds another point for me. Scoreboard me 20 you 0.


This has become tedious and boring.

And I gave an idiot too much of my time.

Welcome to my ignore list.

DO you know what that means? That what ever you will write I will not see. So don't bother ;).


Sweet not seeing you again sounds great. That is what I wanted thank you.
