themselves!.. it's the MOST narcissistic not religion but cult EVER! it's all about them and their "spirituality" and "eternity"... i mean you have people who disconnect from their family because they actually believe that to remain in contact with a ex-member family member or anyone who is against scientology would "impeded their eternity"..
how effed up is that? yeah, like a "real" religion would want you to disconnect from your own family because they might ruin your eternity? and what kind of person would also care more about their own little selfish eternity then their family?
they claim they want to help and save mankind, but it all begins with them! only when they are the best they can be, and when they are the best they can be, can they even begin to help others! really? REALLY??!!..
AND OF COURSE, how do they become their best selves? why taking courses and classes and auditing and moving up the bridge for years and years and paying more and more and more!and we are talking BIG BUCKS!..
never mind, that no "true" religion would charge anyone anything for their spirituality or to learn about the darn religion in the first place!
never mind, if it was so so great and the goal was to help and save mankind, why charge anyone ANYTHING? why not give away this great information for free to the world?...