What do Scientologists worship?

Brandon Reisendorf was convicted of vandalizing a place of worship? What do they worship? Certainly not God. L Ron Hubbard? AND...why in the world would someone dedicate their whole life to becoming clear, if even the leader and founder of this whole mess they call a religion was obviously not happy with his life? L Ron Hubbard had bouts of depression and even mania. Hmmm...could he have been mentally ill? I think indeed he was.


You worship

1. Hubbard
2. Yourself

If you are a celebrity or multi-millionaire contributor, reverse the above two.


Nyctc gave as good an answer as you'll get. $cientology is essentially a retooling of a self-help psychology fad (Dianetics). It's very "me-centered."


He did have antidepressants in his system when he died. Even though a full autopsy was not performed due to his "religious beliefs" they were allowed to run toxicology. There was also injection points noted on his buttocks.
I also think he was mentally ill...

I can't die! I have 43 twitter followers that depend on me! oh, and I have a daughter.


Wow; I wonder how many Scientologists knew their great, fearless leader, who hated psychiatry, was taking antidepressants? According to Hubbard, he could take care of his mental state himself. He was such a farce, but his followers were never allowed access to that info. I believe, if they did know, Scientology would be almost extinct by now.


right?!?! I wonder if the guys that went out to the ranch he was at when he died were aware he was even on it. I don't recall exactly how it all went down, but they were able to produce a paper stating his objection to an autopsy. I understood it that they DID allow the tox screen though, which I would think they would not have allowed had they known he was on it. Another thing I recall was that his doctor lead them to believe that he was actually present when he died (in which case an autopsy wouldn't be necessary anyhow) but I think that wasn't the case at all. I am surprised they were even able to do a tox screen with the way those Scientologists swarmed the ranch making demands. I think DM is just as far off his rocker as LRH was.

I can't die! I have 43 twitter followers that depend on me! oh, and I have a daughter.


What do Scientologists worship?
That is an interesting question. Far as I can figure they worship the religion/cult/business/whatever itself. Versus a standard religions, certainly cuts out the middle man.


What do they worship?

Why do they have to "worship" anything? I'm not defending this this scam, but who says that every religion has to be centered around worship? Certainly spiritual enlightenment can take place without falling on your knees to an invisible being.


Because the cos calls it a "place of worship " . What do they worship is a valid question.


As the OP said, Brandon Reisdorf was charged with vandalizing a "place of worship."


Whoever asked 'why do they even have to worship anything?' well my guess is that "worshipping" something is what differentiates a place of gathering from being either a religious center or just some plain old club! And having that tax-exempt status (in the USA anyways...because they certainly don't have it here in Canada!) is worth so much money that they absolutely need to maintain their "religious" status. I'm not sure exactly what they do "worship" but L. Ron Hubbard seems likely tho I suspect one day soon it will also be David Miscavige as well!


What do they worship?

I've wondered this also, and have yet to hear an actual explanation.

The Scientologist "emblem," or whatever you want to call it, looks like it's based on a Christian cross. I guess it's just to suck people into believing it's some sort of legitimate 'church.'


It's mainly for their tax-exempt status and First Amendment protection. I think Leah in the first Q&A episode talked about the cross symbol having 8 points, this has something to do with the 8 concentric circles of influence in a person's life, where the first circle is the people with the most influence and the last is animals or something.


The Scientologist's symbol is a rip-off of Michael Moorcock's Symbol of Chaos!


Honestly I have heard for years they worship an alien named Xenu. However you don't learn that until you are "clear". Check it out.



On one of the Ask Me Anything episodes a question was asked about the cross emblem. Leah explained briefly that it is actually an 8 point cross that represents church and family and different things about CoS but nothing was said about Christ. It's 8 things about CoS. She looked uncomfortable talking about it IMO.


Wasn't it reported/mentioned during Leah's shows that the "Church" of Scientology has LOST it's Tax Exempt status with the I.R.S.?
L.R.H./D.M. and the "top people" are NO DIFFERENT than any other Leader(s) of a so-called religious organisation - they are ALL gigantic hypocrites, who are in it for ONE REASON AND ONE REASON ONLY..... to line their pockets with as much money as possible, at the expense of as many (pitifully trusting) "parishioners" as possible.
What do they worship?? MONEY. They're the Snake Oil salesmen of the 20th/21st Century, plain & simple. How many more "in the name of God" liars, cheats, thieves, drug addicts, alcoholics, adulterers, child molesters and scam artists are going to continue to get away with pulling the wool over the eyes of decent people who want nothing more than to trust & believe in their "Church".....their place of Prayer, Contemplation, Reflection, Protection and Sanctuary - only to be fleeced out of everything the own, and everything they based their beliefs on?
Hubbard, Miscavige, Jim Bakker, Kent Hovind, Robert Tilton, Billy James Hargis, Peter Popoff, George Alan Rekers, Lonnie Frisbee, Gilbert Deya, Tony Alamo and Mike Warnke are just a few of the "Evangelical (for example)Preachers" who preyed (no pun intended) on their parishioners to manipulate & destroy their lives and families. All these good, naive folks wanted was the hope they would receive "salvation and God's love" at these men's hands - and lost everything. Scientology is the worst of the worst - because they don't just want your money.....they want control over your mind.

Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot - than to open it and remove all doubt!


As much as many people would love to see it happen, the CoS has not lost its tax-exempt status in the US.


Wasn't it reported/mentioned during Leah's shows that the "Church" of Scientology has LOST it's Tax Exempt status with the I.R.S.?
L.R.H./D.M. and the "top people" are NO DIFFERENT than any other Leader(s) of a so-called religious organisation - they are ALL gigantic hypocrites, who are in it for ONE REASON AND ONE REASON ONLY..... to line their pockets with as much money as possible, at the expense of as many (pitifully trusting) "parishioners" as possible.
What do they worship?? MONEY. They're the Snake Oil salesmen of the 20th/21st Century, plain & simple. How many more "in the name of God" liars, cheats, thieves, drug addicts, alcoholics, adulterers, child molesters and scam artists are going to continue to get away with pulling the wool over the eyes of decent people who want nothing more than to trust & believe in their "Church".....their place of Prayer, Contemplation, Reflection, Protection and Sanctuary - only to be fleeced out of everything the own, and everything they based their beliefs on?
Hubbard, Miscavige, Jim Bakker, Kent Hovind, Robert Tilton, Billy James Hargis, Peter Popoff, George Alan Rekers, Lonnie Frisbee, Gilbert Deya, Tony Alamo and Mike Warnke are just a few of the "Evangelical (for example)Preachers" who preyed (no pun intended) on their parishioners to manipulate & destroy their lives and families. All these good, naive folks wanted was the hope they would receive "salvation and God's love" at these men's hands - and lost everything. Scientology is the worst of the worst - because they don't just want your money.....they want control over your mind.

The CoS lost tax exempt status from 1967 - 1993 but they threatened to hit the IRS with a ton of lawsuits and the IRS caved.


What do Scientologists worship?



Now that DM is the new leader the rest of the members worship Xenu, LRH and mostly a pipsqueak bully with a Napoleon complex. I wonder if DM offed LRH. Just a thought.
