MovieChat Forums > The Little Mermaid (2023) Discussion > Wake me up when the BORRRINNNG bigots ha...

Wake me up when the BORRRINNNG bigots have died off...

And let's get back to movies


You might have to wait 40-100 years in cryo sleep.


you mean people can't have negative opinions about cinema?


OP said "bigots"!


i misheard him as saying "nigots"


OP thinks anyone who likes different movies than him are bigots, though.


One can only hope they'd piss off. Sadly this alt right brand of white heterosexual male victim complex is deeply rooted in nerdy white men who spend all their time online.

MAGA clowns, 'go woke go broke' muppets, incels, white nationalists, conspiracy theorists... they're all the same people now.

The whole gamergate shitshow plus the 2016 presidential election really cultivated a subset of assholes who try to weaponize the internet as a means for their sexist, racist and homophobic propaganda. Sadly I don't seem them going any where. It's became a whole personal identity, a shared culture. A rejection of anything other than white heterosexual male-dominance.

I'm fed up of having assholes on the internet cry out in agony as if they're being genocided every time a movie has a woman as a lead, non-white people in it or some non-heterosexuals. It's pure hatred and they can't argue otherwise. They only want movies and shows to be made for white heterosexuals, especially white heterosexual men.


Natural selection begs to differ on every single aspect of what you libtard's are trying to change.

Good luck against that.

Hasn't worked since the dawn of man, won't be affected in the next few thousands years either.


We’ve been telling Disney to “get back to movies” for years now instead of pushing their failing social agenda.

Based on recent news reports from Disney and the push to oust Eiger, maybe someone is finally listening.


What are you talking about? Iger just returned to Disney.


Unfortunately, the bigots breed so they may never die off.


"Bigot" is the new word for "someone who doesn't buy into the woke idiocy I believe in".


This isnt new. Bigot usually just means "disagrees with me"
