MovieChat Forums > The Little Mermaid (2023) Discussion > Why is it 'woke' to use an actress who h...

Why is it 'woke' to use an actress who has african heritage as the lead?

Are all mermaids white or . . .is it because the animated movie had a white woman? Why does it matter to anybody that they hired an actress with dark complexion? It seems so absurd to me to be upset about that.


It's just a minority of whiny whites who feel entitled to preserve pop culture thru a white Amercentric viewpoint. It should also be noted that there are rightwing POC who make money pushing this same white idealism ( ie Candace Owen's, Ramaswamy, Haley, Elder, Hershey Walker, and Tim Scott) because it lines their pockets financially more than if they hustled from the other side of the spectrum like AL Sharpton and that lesbian couple who hustled/embezzled millions in donations running BLM.

What I find more hilarious is that when Disney came out with the musical cartoon it was trashed by literary critics for basically changing Hans Christian Andersons novel into a gushy cartoon with a happy ending.


Wow are you a dumbass.


It's woke and racist to replace a well established WHITE character with a black one.

Remember Pirates of the Caribbean? They had black mermaids AND a black witch and no one cared.

If they would had made a different story about a different mermaid with a black lead ... NO ONE WOULD have complained. And I mean NO ONE.

But what they did is racist and cultural appropriation/colonialism.


Here’s the thing: Japan made their own version of the Little Mermaid called “Ponyo”, directed by the beloved Hayao Miyazaki from Studio Ghibli. It’s not Miyazaki’s best movie, but nobody complained about it being woke or yellow-washed or whatever. It was inspired by LM while still being its own thing.

If Disney or whoever wants to make a LM-inspired movie with a POC lead or taking place in a different region/culture altogether, have at it. Or just make a completely original ocean-based movie like Moana, which people liked. I like it too, I’ve seen it several times. I’d rather they made a sequel to it instead of a live-action remake, but I digress.

Instead, so-called progressives would rather complain about white-washing while supporting stuff like this, only to then try invalidating and gaslighting anyone who criticizes it.


Why come on here and stir the mess. You had to know the responses you'd get. You're just as fucking stupid as they are.


It’s because she’s not Ariel.

And Disney only cast her to fit a certain agenda. You are enabling their intent to guilt and manipulate people against saying anything against this action.


I'm happy for all of the little girls that got to have a Disney princess that looks like them. What was their 'agenda'? To include marginalized people?


First of all, it’s not true that “marginalized” people are not being included.

Second, why destroy something so iconic in order to do it? Why can’t they just write or adapt their own stories and air them through Hollywood?


Why can’t they just write or adapt their own stories



When marginalized groups ARE included you bitch about it.

How is The Little Mermaid being DESTROYED by having a dark skinned Ariel? I don't see how that is possible.


No we don’t. You are lying.

Once again, why can’t these so-called “minorities” put forth their own stories to be iconic classics instead of hijacking our own?

If you can’t hear yourself through your own bullshit, gaslighting, and emotional blackmail, there is nothing I can do for you.


"Once again, why can’t these so-called “minorities” put forth their own stories to be iconic classics instead of hijacking our own?"

The Little Mermaid was written by a Danish author . . . are you Danish? If you aren't why do you think that its okay for you to claim a Danish story as your own?

Disney wrote a new story based off of the Danish story, it's not the same story first of all, second Disney is an American company, they can hire whoever they want to for their story. They had an animated character who had white skin and bright red hair. For the live action film they hired an American with black hair and dark skin. How is it YOUR story?


Wow, you are just really that dumb.


Also, if Tiana were rewritten into a white character, you would be screaming in outrage. You entitled sycophants would riot. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t.


Tiana, up until this film was the ONLY princess with dark skin. You don't see the red herring here? I think you do, I think you are playing dumb.


No, you are just being a hypocrite.


Again, what is stopping Disney from making new movies about black princesses instead of blackwashing the original classics?


Changing the race of an iconic character for political reasons is hella stupid and you know this fully well, trollboy.


RockAway is playing right into Disney’s hands to manipulate and emotionally blackmail people from sharing a different opinion.


Ah the old disingenous "but why do you care?" argument. Why did utter pussies like you care so much that she was white in the old version? It was your fragility that initiated it all. Pussies like you cared in the first place so much that they raceswapped a fictional character to make themselves feel smug and now you all act smug about it after the fact but you'd all cry your little hearts out if they cast a white man as Black Panther. You're transparent and this thread is shite.


They obviously want us to care. We just don’t care in the way they want us to care, so that’s why they throw that stupid question in our face. It’s because they have no argument.


Oh no we just see through your crap is all. Anything to say about Rooney Mara playing Tiger Lily in the movie Pan? You say make your own character. Yet when you make one in Miles Morales with into the Spider-verse films you idiots still cry woke. When you look at the film Black Panther people still cry woke. So no I do not buy your stupid rhetoric. If it ain't white it ain't right. That is your motto.


Haven't seen any of the films you listed, but you leftists lie about everything so I'm willing to bet you are just spewing bullshit.

What I said is correct. So like you to accuse us of what your side is doing. We see through your crap. If it's white, it ain't right. That's a more accurate motto for you. I don't care if you buy our rhetoric or not, doesn't stop you from being on the wrong side.


Oh so since you haven't seen it that gives you an excuse to ignore the evidence. Tiger Lily is obviously not white, you know the original Peter Pan obviously. All you have to do is Google Rooney Mara and see that she plays Tiger Lily in Pan. A quick two minute Google search will prove my point. I bet you won't look since you know it challenges your view. See that's what I love if it's whitewashed it gets ignored. I personally don't care so long as the race isn't essential. You are the ones who think all fictional characters race is essential. You want a white Blade go do it, I couldn't care less.


All I know is that movie came out around a time in which I wasn’t following much of this stuff very closely, but I’m sure the left was throwing a big hissy fit over this at the time. Or this is just a really obscure movie because I never heard many people talking about it. All you are doing is highlighting your own hypocrisy. Disney is just doing this to push an agenda.


Lol nice backpedal you idiot. Your concession is noted.


Lol, if you thought that was a concession you are more deluded than I thought, you imbecile.


You said it came out at a time when you were not following it. So stuff only counts when you are paying attention is that how this works?


I think you need to mind your own goddamn business. You implied to me that you were going to be stalking me in another thread. So I guess your plan is to try to ruin my life because I don’t agree with you. If that’s the case, it’s you that needs to watch it. I’m pretty sure it’s against the rules and illegal for you to stalk someone.


Do not make claim's you can't back up. You said I like about Tiger Lily when I clearly did not.


Do not make claims YOU cannot back up.
You sycophant.


I did not. My claim is right there you can see what you said to prove it. You said all I know is I was not looking for it during that time. Which means you are saying it can only occur when you are looking for it. You first claimed I lied about the whitewashing of Tiger Lily. A quick two minute Google search can prove my claim. You will not do it though because you know it debunks your claim. Here I can provide a link.


My God, you are just an obsessed freak. You are continuing to spew lies after lies, and you continue to put words in my mouth.


Yep exactly when I provide proof you simply run away from the evidence. You are an ignorant boot licking idiot.


Nope, you're just a hypocrite and an obsessive control freak. It must be really nice for you to hide behind a screen and make threats. I doubt you would even try such a thing in person, you fucking coward.


Lol you are done bud. I won this little debate. Scoreboard me 1 you 0.


What debate? I was never interested in having a debate with you. You're a lying hypocrite and a fucking lunatic.


Scoreboard me 1 you 0.


Hypocrite, liar, lunatic, AND delusional control freak.


What did I lie about?


⠀I'm standing, the OP is kneeling...



Switching white characters to be played by PoC actresses is woke. There’s no logical reason for it except to shove identity politics down people’s throats, which is the definition of woke.




Then let’s make the entire cast of the upcoming The Color Purple remake all white.




You mean dis is a genius suggestion. 😊


Bullshit people are not mermaids.
