Those who live above the sea come in all colors, creeds, and so on. As such there is nothing wrong with presenting those who live below the sea in all colors, creeds, and so on.


Only racists are complaining about the casting for this. The movie will be a box office hit and the "get woke, go broke" mantra will prove false once again.


as long as the movie and story itself is good, nobody gives a shit


Only grifters create posts like yours.


"Only racists are complaining about the casting for this."

This is absolutely NOT true. Half my family is black. The other half is a mix of white and latino. I am as far from racist as you can get. I was raised to love all people no matter their skin color. And I do.

For me, it's because when I watch a live version of an animated movie or show, I want to feel as if I am watching the cartoon suddenly come to life. So when they make these kinds of changes not just to color of the characters, but also their mannerisms, voices, etc, it ruins it for me.

I wouldn't watch a live version of The Princess and the Frog if they cast a pale, white person to play Tiana. It's the same thing, it would ruin it for me.

Maybe this all sounds silly but that's all it is for me.


Why don't they do African Mermaid characters with African mermaid stories then?


Because little known stories will not be accepted by racists. You have to condition them first to accept stories they know told from a black perspective.
