MovieChat Forums > 13th (2016) Discussion > Whites simply don't understand the pligh...

Whites simply don't understand the plight of Black Americans

Whites are not going to solve black problems. White America can try to be as empathetic as possible but unless you've lived it, experienced it every single day.. attempts to fix the problem will only make things spiral downward even faster.
My take on how to correct things is to simply allow only black leadership to solve and understand black problems. Everything from lawmakers to business leaders and police should only be spearheaded by black leadership. A generation of only Black Americans leading Black Americans would create a past for young blacks to be proud of and a future to look forward to. They can all say 'we did this' and it would be the new pillar to measure success with for years to come.

I hate webinars. They never provide any snacks.


Whites are not going to solve black problems. White America can try to be as empathetic as possible but unless you've lived it, experienced it every single day.. attempts to fix the problem will only make things spiral downward even faster.

Full disclosure, I'm white. And to some extent, I agree--white people can't solve black problems, nor can we fully understand their experiences without living them. However, I feel it's absolutely important to engage white people in trying to find a solution, having difficult conversations about racism and other subjects, etc. Because if black people say "white people are never going to understand and can't help us solve the problem" then white people will be allowed to continue to live in our bubble of privilege and never face the way things really are. I think we (white people) need to learn about the experiences of other races, get to know people who are different from ourselves, and examine our own privileges and biases. We are a massive part of the problem--so we MUST be part of the solution too.


"Black problems"? How about just problems in general with welfare and poverty, which seems to be their problems anyways? Bringing race into everything isn't going to solve nothing.


Pretending that race isn't involved certainly isn't going to solve anything.


All whites? If so, then that's just sounding racist because not all whites are like that.


The documentary is pretty clear that black leaders bought into the super predator nonsense. It is going to take more than just black people to solve these problems.
