Whites are not going to solve black problems. White America can try to be as empathetic as possible but unless you've lived it, experienced it every single day.. attempts to fix the problem will only make things spiral downward even faster. My take on how to correct things is to simply allow only black leadership to solve and understand black problems. Everything from lawmakers to business leaders and police should only be spearheaded by black leadership. A generation of only Black Americans leading Black Americans would create a past for young blacks to be proud of and a future to look forward to. They can all say 'we did this' and it would be the new pillar to measure success with for years to come.
Unreasonable in assuming that there are no white people who, whether they can fully empathize or not, are willing to help in the progress of other peoples. Impractical in thinking that black people can force change exclusively on their own.
The truth is that nothing has ever gotten done or will ever get done in this country to advance the situation of American citizens without the cooperation of 'friends to the cause', across color, gender, and spiritual lines.
You have completely missed the point of the documentary. Black communities today do not exist in a historical vacuum. White people can't destroy a community and then blame that community for having issues as a result of white people's actions. If anyone needs to take responsibility for their communities and their actions, it's white people.
Inherent means people are born with it. So, the easy answer is no. Do we have a lot of societal constructs that teach blacks and whites alike that blacks are inferior, criminal, etc.? Yes.
Is China trying to make 15% of its population black, 15% white, 15% hispanic? Is India trying for that? Is Japan trying for that?
Look what happened to the original Yugoslavia when the Iron Curtain came down. It split into several countries, where people could be with their own kind. People pretty clearly want to live among their own kind. Why force Diversity on people when they don't want it? Who does it benefit other than the elitist Globalists?
Everyone ignore this racist a**hole badass, who only pops up on boards dealing with black people's issues, just to say dumb,ignorant stupid-a** racist s***. Go the fck away, please. Nobody is discussing your ignorant a**. And if you don't like the fact that America is a multicultural country (which it has always been) get the hell out and go back to Europe---oh, I forgot---there are people of color there too----ha ha ha ha ha!
How is it that there is a lot of black leadership and even a black president for 8 years and NO ONE has come close to solving this jail problem. If there first black president didn't even think this was an issue important enough to address what are the chances any leader will?
I'm a southerner. I've lived in many of the southern states from FL to CA, with home being GA. 150 years later, and seeing how race relations have taken a more passive aggressive stance on both sides, I think either all former slaves should have been properly resettled back in their home continent, or given some of the southeastern states and seceded from the USA to form their own nation. Perhaps bounded by the mississippi river on the west, taking MS AL GA FL and SC, forcing whites out of those states. Blacks could then do what they want and be judged by their own instead of whites being blamed for their behavior.
At the beginning of the movie, it was said we have 25% of the prison population and therefore the only answer was to reduce prison populations with no mention of reducing crime. Later on in the movie, the unfairness of sentences between crack / cocaine, which I somewhat agree. But I think if cocaine sentences were made equal to crack, it would have just increased the price reduced the amount of usage by whites.
Also, the movie shows it's ludicrous in claiming the Central Park Five were completely innocent - as in never came in contact with Meili. The only thing proven was they never came inside her. Do your own research.
Are you serious? Black people were segregated because it was WHITE PEOPLE who decided we should be. Black people (as slaves) never had any damn choice in the matter. And black people MADE this country---he entire damn economic engine of the South was slavery. This is OUR country too---nobody was ever really going to send the slaves back to Africa(that was a pipe dream,anyway) because all that cheap,unpaid labor they got/beat/forced out of the slaves was making the South too damn rich---that's why they didn't want slavery to end.
Also, the movie shows it's ludicrous in claiming the Central Park Five were completely innocent - as in never came in contact with Meili. The only thing proven was they never came inside her. Do your own research.
Uh,seriously? Did you not see the documentary that came out about the Central Park Five a couple of years ago? None of the boys ever even laid eyes on Melli,or ever came into contact with her, period. A guy who had been convicted of several rapes and a murder confessed to assaulting the Central Park Jogger (his own DNA was the only DNA found on her person.) So why you would sit there and tell that lie when they were completely cleared and found innocent is so ridiculous---especially when there was never any evidence to prove that they did anything, and the fact that they were basically railroaded into prison because of people's fear of crime and a media which declared them guilty from the get-go. I mean, come on--this is the internet, you could have easily done the research and found this out yourself. You didn't even bother to do your own damn research on the matter.
The Central Park Five were flat-out innocent. The only "evidence" was coerced confessions. The evidence is clear that there was a single person involved and his DNA was found on the victim. You are in complete denial if you don't think they are innocent.