I think I would have been less hard on if Atwood had set it in a fictional country instead of in the USA.
Even then, it would have been a hateful propaganda against Christians and Conservatives.
But it would have been possible for me to accept it as "fiction" or "a fantasy".
But now I can't even do that.
Whatever some of you might think, 99 % of the population in the US would never let any of this happen.
Neither can I buy Atwood's backstory about some crazy sect being able to overthrow the government.
That makes no sense at all.
If anybody had tried to do a coupe d'etate in the USA in real life, they would have been stopped right away.
Thus, I simply can't take anything in this story seriously.
Not that I'm much of a fan of the depressing dystopia genre anyway.
But I feel that this is one of the most ridiculous examples of it out there.