Sand Job - penultimate Episode - a few thoughts
The Grand Tour is coming to an end. The penultimate episode "Sand Job" was over two hours long. I did enjoy the ride with our three favorite blokes. Visually it was very well done, very pretty. The cars were good choices as well. Nice to look at.
In terms of content there wasn't really anything new or too exciting. After so many years it's hard to come up with something that they didn't do before. But still: I'd watch anything with them.
But two bits did stand out for me:
When Gordon Lightfoots "If You Could Read My Mind" came on it made me a bit teary eyed. Always loved the song, but after Gordons death last year it felt quite a bit melancholic.
And then the last few minutes. Jezza, May and Hammond driving side by side on the beach. It almost felt like the ultimate goodybe there. Our three blokes riding together into the sunset and the end of the series, the show...the end of them together. That few scenes there quite hit me hard after watching them for more than two decades.
I hope the send-off in the last episode will be a good one. Because this one here would have been almost perfect.
Maybe end like they started the Grand Tour: The trio driving (away from the viewer) in the California desert (Rabbit Dry Lake) into the sunset. The Hothouse Flowers playing "I Can See Clearly Now" one last time...