MovieChat Forums > Busanhaeng (2016) Discussion > Everyone on board was South Korean

Everyone on board was South Korean

In Western cinema they add people of all colours usually, or normally a token character here and there. I noticed that everyone on board was Korean. Does this mean South Korea doesn't feel the need to be political correct ? In some ways I thought it kinda refreshing that they didn't need to have every ethnic group under the sun in it, they did whatever they liked. Didn't bother me at all that they didn't have a white or black person in it. I also noticed in another South Korean film, The Wailing, it was the same situation. Why does Western cinema and TV feel the need for everything to have almost every ethnic group in it ? As a white person I didn't not want to see Train to Busan because it didn't have white people in, I don't only watch shows with my race in. Yet I have heard many complaints over the years that if a film doesn't have a black or Asian person in then people wonder why and how racist it is. I don't get it.


Have you been to South Korea other than Seoul? Like 99.9 % of population are Asian (South Korean mostly, few chinese and south east asian)


I ride these KTX trains all the time, there are always without exception at least a handful of whites/blacks or other foreigners on the trains, teachers, soldiers, business people etc, but this is SOUTH KOREA. Hollywood does not have its PC hooks into this movie industry THANK CHRIST. And this country openly discriminates against foreigners and its perfectly legal! Its also one of the safest countries in the world. You can walk anywhere in any city without fear of attack or crime, UNLIKE AMERICAN CITIES!

Until the zombie outbreak that is...


It's odd how you can get a point across articulately yet you can't grasp that one culture might be incredibly diverse while another not so, it's like someone has taught a cat to play piano. It might surprise you but it still has an IQ of 4.

February 20th can't get here soon enough then all of the stupid people, bigots and trolls might actually have to find something constructive to do during their hour online before bed.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


Are you seriously comparing this to the Wailing? While "Busanhaeng" is set in the train station and on the train, we have way more opportunities to espect people of other ethnic origin, but the Wailing is all another different story, the setting is in the heart of a tradintional small village/town where people know each other by name. I can safely say no one would expected to find a foreign person in that village.


Its set in South Korea, which is one of the most homogenous countries on earth. They couldn't really make it multi-cultural even if they wanted to, really.
In the US on the other hand, it is highly unlikely that a train full of people would be entirely white.


OP thought he had a good argument. But he's not the only one. I've seen other idiots use the same "logic" against diversity.
