Everyone on board was South Korean
In Western cinema they add people of all colours usually, or normally a token character here and there. I noticed that everyone on board was Korean. Does this mean South Korea doesn't feel the need to be political correct ? In some ways I thought it kinda refreshing that they didn't need to have every ethnic group under the sun in it, they did whatever they liked. Didn't bother me at all that they didn't have a white or black person in it. I also noticed in another South Korean film, The Wailing, it was the same situation. Why does Western cinema and TV feel the need for everything to have almost every ethnic group in it ? As a white person I didn't not want to see Train to Busan because it didn't have white people in, I don't only watch shows with my race in. Yet I have heard many complaints over the years that if a film doesn't have a black or Asian person in then people wonder why and how racist it is. I don't get it.