MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > Identity: Part 1 - Completely Nonsensica...

Identity: Part 1 - Completely Nonsensical (Spoilers)

The Kaylons' reasons for invading Earth are to spread out to other planets since they're running out of room on their home planet and to eliminate biological beings. What sense does their current action make?
They don't breathe oxygen and there are an infinite number of uninhabited planets they could start civilizations on. It would only makes sense to do that and then start an invasion once they have a sufficient number of established worlds. Why would they start a war agains a federation of hundreds of planets, before they have the numbers to pull it off?
Worse they went with a miniscule invading force. These are supposed to be intelligent beings.

On a side note, it's been said again and again that they don't feel emotions. So how is it they claimed Isaac was humiliated?


The nonsense for me started with the whole Claire / Issac love story arc.
Yeah I get it, the arc is some kind of metaphor blah blah blah, but when she said she loved him I just groaned. I just dont buy it at all.
And the previous episode's anti-gay theme was too heavy handed.
I wish they went back to more traditional plots / storylines.


"The nonsense for me started with the whole Claire / Issac love story arc."

I absolutely agree. Total nonsense. But I still like the show.


I like the way this show is done. It is self-conscious that all fiction is non sensical, as all experience is anecdotal and incomplete. Stories are fake experiences created so we can learn something a writer want to convey. Most of the time it is just a waste of time, but the best stories tough something or make a statement about reality or existence. The Orville is lightweight and clever but they actual are substantive and kind of deep. It is refreshing to see this show do what the first series of Star Trek did, but all the other series and movie failed to.


"It is refreshing to see this show do what the first series of Star Trek did, but all the other series and movie failed to."

Seth is a true Trekkie.


I think that it is a commentary on current ideas that Adult Sex Dolls are starting to make a rise. This scares some folks, thinking that some AI will eventually start creating "Terminator" type dolls. But... it's just a story. Love relationships between machine and human have been explored before. Data had a relationship with one of the Enterprise female crew members if I remember correctly. Tasha Yar also used Data for pleasure and was totally embarrassed by it afterward.



That was also ridiculous how they equated the Mr. Potato Head parts stuck on him as "abuse." I've seen robots abused in stories, and what the Orville crew did was nothing like that.


>> On a side note, it's been said again and again that they don't feel emotions. So how is it they claimed Isaac was humiliated?

Yes, I am glad to hear someone else caught that too. The story is a story, so of course it is going to be inconsistent and only analogous for the purposes of explaining a moral. I thought the episode itself was very good, and cannot wait to see the conclusion.

It does raise the issue of what is the point of intelligence, and how does an intelligent entity decide how to relate to other intelligent entities ... any of which can turn on them and destroy them if they are not paying attention or protecting themselves.

Look at the Republican party in the USA today. It was infiltrated by money, both foreign and domestic and is not a force to tear down the government to bring about privatized government. The point is you never know what mischief other intelligent beings are going to be up to, so there is a fundamental neurotic conflict in the very idea of intelligence. Even in intelligent beings from the same biological genetic line. Look at humans, we always try to find some way to split some group off and exploit them, or get rid of them for the profit of another group.

This is a pretty interesting show.


Isaac is beginning to feel emotion. He had feelings for Claire and wanted to continue the relationship. and he had feelings for the youngest son.

The Kaylons' AI evolved in the past which is how they became self aware and Isaac's AI is the next step in evolution.


Good points. Also, Why are they humanoid shaped? (Because they were created by humanoids, the Union should have anticipated this) The writing on this show is juvenile and every episode falls apart under scrutiny but this was one of the better episodes of the series.
Kaylons = Cylons ?
edit; rough estimate, less than 0.0000000001% of the Orville's galaxy is populated.


Of course there would be enough space in space - but from what I got - Isaacs people don't believe humanoids and other lifeforms will let them in "peace" and will always go back to violent behavior sooner or later.

So kill them all or maybe taking earth as a hostage is their long time solution.

And they are affected by the war they had with their creators.


It's a fantasy intended for entertainment. You are taking it too seriously. It sounds like you dislike it, so you would be doing yourself a favor if you stopped watching it.


Don't comment if you have nothing of substance to offer or discuss. The "it's only a show" or "don't watch it" replies are juvenile and void of any intelligence whatsoever.

Follow your own advice. If you don't like my post, don't reply. You'd be doing us both a favor.
