MovieChat Forums > The Punisher (2017) Discussion > Anybody know if this has been cancelled ...

Anybody know if this has been cancelled as well?

Netflix is tossing Marvel shows like deck chairs on the Titanic.


No word yet but it seems a real possibility
Damn shame...


Not yet.

But you should expect The Punisher to get cancelled not long after its second season premieres (along with Jessica Jones). Most fans are expecting this. I mean if Daredevil, the most acclaimed and popular show of Marvel Netflix (was reportedly Netflix’s fourth most popular show when it got axed), was cancelled... then there’s a very slim chance Punisher will get renewed.

While the rumors are all over the place concerning this issue, Netflix probably didn’t see the point in investing in Marvel properties when Disney has their own streaming channel on the way and new Marvel shows will be made for it. All is not lost, though. These characters could be seen again - it just won’t be on Netflix. Some might even join the larger MCU.


Oh yeah its for sure getting cancelled, i noticed they like to wait until the upcoming season of said show is out before they cancel them, i guess they think it would do bad in views if they announce its cancellation before the new season. So they get you all hyped for the new season coming out, then after you watch it like a week later they cancel it.

People understood Iron Fist and even Luke Cage, cause alot hated those shows, but when they cancelled Daredevil the one marvel show on netflix that most everybody likes thats when it was clear as day they're cancelling all the Marvel shows cause Disney wants to put them on their streaming service they're launching next year.

Just watch like 2 or 3 weeks after Punisher season 2 comes out it'll be cancelled, same with Jessica Jones.

Which sucks ass cause Netflix allowed them to get away with alot of stuff, violence, sex etc i highly doubt they'll be able to maintain their grittiness and R rating on Disney streaming. I can see all these shows becoming much more tame and kid friendly once they get them on their streaming service.

You think they'll have shit like in Punisher when he gouged that guys eyes out and beat his head into a bloody pulp? Hell no.


Almost guaranteed to be cancelled


It will be cancelled shortly after it's premiere which everyone is expecting. There is no chance it sticks around, the same with JJ.


I am pretty sure it is getting cancelled. Unlike, Daredevil, Jones and Iron Fist, I feel they wrote this season to be the last. There were no cliffhangers. I didn’t feel there was much of a cliffhanger for Luke Cage either. But I don’t think that was intentional. Punisher was probably the only season written with a cancellation in mind.


Luke Cage had a massive cliffhanger. But yeah, this season seemed to cut all loose ends. They could still concievably do a third season, but likely won't.
