And.. I'm Done.

What a horrible show.

*puke Icon*


100% agreed, it's awful!


Worse than I even expected. And I expected crap.


I also thought it would be bad, but this is ridiculous.



It's no where near as bad as Under the Dome, which went downhill from Season 2 onwards.

This has some problems (it's nowhere near as good as the movie adaptation) but whilst there is lots to criticize about execution, I think it's worth sticking with (bear with the first few episodes, the characters are unlikeable but it does get better).


Is this supposed to continue? I have only seen through episode 7 so far.
I thought it would be more like Fargo.
Just one season and done.



I think it's one of the better shows on TV.
Each season is a different story. So you don't have to worry about trying to remember what
happened the season before.
They specifically didn't want the same actors to keep coming back. Like AHS does.
I think it's very well done and each season has a great cast.



I have never heard of Fortitude.
I did a quick look on google. It looks interesting.
Seems to have decent ratings.


Fargo is fantastic, you should check it out :)


I just finished the season and, while I may be in the minority, I have to say that I really enjoyed it. I'd give it a 7.5/10.

I think the show actually gets better as it goes, so if you enjoyed the first episode then I think you'll enjoy the rest of the season.



I recorded it an started watching it.
At first I really liked it.
Some of the stories are ridiculous.
I get they are trying to show human nature and still be PC.
Most of those subplots don't bring anything to the table.

Is this a one and done or are they expecting to bring this back for another season ?


I thought it was good overall.

And Spike hasn't renewed it yet, but the showrunner does want to continue the story into a second season:


I finished it last night. The ending was pretty good.
I still wasn't crazy about some of the stories. It became much more of a show about human nature
than anything else. Which is fine I just don't think people were expecting that. At least I wasn't
If it does come back I will watch season 2.


Well I think that, ultimately, that's exactly what they were going for: a show about human nature and the way that people react during a crisis.

I can see why that might be disappointing to some people, but personally I found it more interesting than just constant monster battles. There was a real dramatic, plot-driven punch to the story.


I wasn't exactly going for monsters and such. I agree that would have been too much.

"human nature and the way that people react during a crisis. '
I am fine with this. Like I said some of the subplots were too much.

[spoiler]The Dr. who lost it and started doing experiments on people. He seemed to have cracked too easy.
The rape story and Adrian being gay seemed forced. Like they added it to be PC or something.
The whole moms a slut and he's not your father seemed too melodramatic. [/spoiler]


I'll agree about the doctor. That did seem like a stretch and out of character for him, with no satisfying explanation.

But I don't think the thing with Adrian was about being PC. Quite the opposite actually. If they wanted to be PC they would have made him a victim, not a victimizer. Few people will sympathize with a rapist. [/spoiler]


[spoiler]That is a good point about him being a victimizer. It still feels a little forced.
Like the scene he had with the other kid where he kisses him. I just didn't see the point.
I just felt it was their way to say watch us we have a gay character.
They did however make him a little high strung. He has more than a few problems.[/spoiler]


The source material upon which it is based and being advertised as is about an apocalyptic fog with hundreds of otherworldly creatures within it...but you prefer teen drama instead. People like you fucking ruin movies.


What I disliked most about this version of the Mist is the mystical type elements introduced into it, and how there seemed to be some malevolent consciousness as the driving force behind it. In the book or movie, the creatures came across as just mindless killing machines that broke through into our universe by accident and there wasn't going to be any reasoning, or divine intervention, or inexplicably magical kids showing up to defeat them.
